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I sigh and put my phone on my night stand.
Its sunday night and finn still hasnt texted me. I rub my eyes and head off to sleep.


I get up and do my morning routine
and get in a change of clothes


I go downstairs and look through the pantry'Nothing'I groan and rub my eyes

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I go downstairs and look through the pantry
I groan and rub my eyes. I look at the time and grab my stuff before heading off to school.

I enter the halls and go to my locker
"Wheres finn"
I look behind me and see sophia
I shrug and sigh
"I dont know"
She nods and i grab the stuff i need before going to class as the bell rings.
Soon the announcements comes on and finn enters the door going straight to the back

I look back at him and smile he doesnt smile back i look forward and continue listening to the announcements

"While i have your guys attention if you have any contact or information to where Jack Grazers location is please tell the front office he was last seen at a party friday night and hasnt returned home"

I forward my eyebrows and look at all the students talking to eachother.
"He mightve ran away"
I hear the person next to me say
I shrug and mumble
I sigh and rest my head on my arm
'Cant believe hes missing i dont feel bad hes a jerk hes probably out with some friends doing drugs'
The announcements stop and the teacher begins the lesson as I slouch in my seat.


The bell rings and i grab my stuff and exit the class and put my stuff in my locker.
I feel someone tap on my shoulder.
I look behind me and see finn
I roll my eyes and close my locker
"Im sorry"
I lean against my locker

"Dont be just"
I sigh
"Where were you, what happened"
He grabs my hand and we go to the cafeteria
We sit at our table and i look at him waiting for an answer
"I was scared you were mad at me plus my parents wanted me to hang out with them and i wanted a break from my phone im sorry"

"You couldve just told me on text and then took your break you left me worrying about you"
I kinda raises my voice making him frown
"Dont be i deserved it"

"So about jack missing, is it bad i dont really care"
He shakes his head no and smiles
"Wonder where he is"
I fiddled with my finger
He shrugs and his smile fades
"He cant bother us anymore at least"
I raise my eyebrow after he said that
"Yeah until they find him"
"If they find him"
Finn says with no remorse like he has no feelings.

I dont even know what to say right now its not what he said its how he said it well it is what he said both.
"But a-anyways"
He smiles again at me
"Ill be right back"
He nods and i go over to sophia and sadie as they enter the cafeteria.
They smile at me
"Whats up"
They say in sync
I tell them what happen.
"Told you hes a weirdo"

"We all say weird shit like that"
Sophia defends finn i nod maybe im being over dramatic
"Yeah youre right"
We go to finn and sit down


I put my stuff away as someone comes behind me and wraps their arm around my waist.  I look behind and see Ashton
"Hey where have you been"
I smile at him and hug him
He kisses me on my forehead
He isnt my boyfriend we're just super close we've been friends since we were kids but hes already in college

I kiss him on his cheek as we pull away. 
"Wanna hang out later ill pick you up after i do some stuff"
He smiles at me and i nod
"Yesss i would love too"
"Alright go home amd ill text you ill be there around maybe five thirty"
I nod again and he kisses my cheek and walks off i get my stuff and walk home.

Finns pov

I was walking out of my last class of the day when i saw someone hugging y/n then she started hugging him
I felt a weird feeling all of a sudden.
Then anger poured through me.
Then she kisses him on the cheek i feel my hands go into fists. 

3rd pov

Finn in fact didnt hang out with his family during the week heres one thing i can tell you he did. He watched y/n he obviously couldnt tell her that. He stalked her through her window, while she went outside to take out the trash yeah he felt ashamed but he didnt know what else to do. He loved y/n and he wants her to love him.

Finn has anger issues his parents knew about it but they dont talk about it much he never showed y/n his anger issues because when she was around its like everything bad goes away.

Stalking y/n wasnt the only thing finn did he paid jack a visit telling him to leave y/n and him alone.

Something poured through finns skin he knew he had to get rid of anything that gets in the way of him being with y/n. When he saw this dude getting up to close to his girl he only thought about one thing when he sees him.

'Kill him'

If finn cant have y/n no one can.

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