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It was monday the air was crisp and the sky was a foggy blue. The air felt like you were constantly sweaty i hated this weather. It made me feel sticky even though i was. It wasnt cold at all it wasnt hot either it was warm but not the nice warm feeling the warm feeling that'd keep you sick.

I get on the bus since my mom doesnt want me walking i hated the bus it always made me feel dirty like i havent showered. I sit down in the back by myself. The floors were dirty as if no on cleaned them for years. On the back of seats people were so immature they drew dicks.

I placed my hand in my sweater pockets not wanting to touch anything. As the bus goes on, more people get on and the more people go to the back.
"Hey may i sit here sweet cheeks"
I cringe at the words sweet cheeks but i nod
"Yeah go ahead"
He sits next to me and starts talking to his friends.

put on my hoodie and lay my head against the window.


The ride was long also one of the reasons i dont ride the bus. Right when the bus gets to school the bell rings and when i did ride the bus i was always late to class.
The screaming pierced my ears why are boys so loud.
I sigh and feel a hand slip on my thigh i look down and the boys hand was rubbing my thigh i roll my eyes and my it.

"Keep your hands to yourself"
"Sorry sweet cheeks" he winked at me and his friends laughed. Why are boys so fucking annoying.
"She definitely wants you bro"
I groan out of frustration. I felt anger pour through my skin. I take a deep breath and relax.
"No thank you"
I say out loud

He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me close.
"Come on girl you know you want me"
He kisses my neck and i punch him in the face and he lets me go holding his nose.
"You bitch!"
Wheres the bus driver when you need them. He then slaps me across my face and i touch it just making it sting.


I go to the cafeteria trying to find finn i skipped first period and second there was a fat red mark on my face.
I look around and see sadie and sophia i smile and walk to them.
"Hey guys"
"Hey love"
Sophia hugs me
We let go and i look around trying to find finn
"Wheres finn"
"Right here" i look behind me and see finn i run to hin and hug him tightly. He hugs me and we sit down st our usualy spots.

"Where were you"
"I skipped first and second something happened on the bus"
"What happened"
He rowns and a worried look aeppears on his face.
I tell him everything that happened and he gets angry. He gets up and walks off and get up and follow him
I call out to him but he doesnt respond. Then i lose him in the crowds off students.
I go back to the table and lay my head down on the table


I go to my locker and put my stuff away. I still havent seen finn but who knows what hes up to. I go to get on the bus but the guys friends were ready on i rethink my decision and decide to walk home.
It still has that nasty warm feeling in the air. It feels like the damp air is sticking to my skin. I hold on to my backpack straps and walk down the side walk.

(⚠doesnt have rape but it has things leading up to it and people could be sensitive to that stuff so i wanted to leave a warning⚠)

It was fine at first but then i started getting uncomfortable like someone was following me. I shouldve rode the bus and put up with the stupid boys.
I look behind me and theres no one. I felt sudden relief. I look in front of me and see the boy.
I stutter and back up
"You sent your boy on me"
"What no i didnt i p-promise"
My heart started to race as he came close to me
"Your boy tried killing me he pulled a knife out on me you like the psychotic boys huh"
He puts his hands on my waist and pulled me close. I couldnt move, my body wouldnt respond to me. How dare my body disrespect me like that.

"L-leave me alone please"
"This is payback for what your psychotic boyfriend did remember"
A tear rolled down my eyes i cant let this happen but i dont know what to do.
He pulls me by my wrist holding it tightly.
"Youre hurting me"
He drags me into the woods and pushes me hardly against a tree. He puts his hands sround my throat choking me, he starts kissing my neck i push him away but he keeps coming at me. He then pushes me onto the ground and gets on top of me pinning me down by my arms.
"Stop please"
He starts kissing my neck tears ran down my cheek. He starts taking off his pants with one of his hands while his other is holding my arms on the ground. He then starts to take off mine but his grip loosens and i grab a rock hitting the side of his head with it. He falls next to me and i get up and check his pulse.

There was no pulse my heart races faster, i killed someone.
im a murderer.
I grab my phone and dial 911
I take a deep breath
"911 what is your emergency"
"I accidentally killed someone"
I start crying my eyes out
"Please remain calm police are on their way to your location now"
"It was an accident he tried raping me and i grabbed the nearest thing close to me and hit him on the side of his head"
"What did you hit him with"
"Er a rock"
My vision has became blurry as police sirens and wind blowing through the tree fill the noise with sadness.
I hear inaudible voices then cops find me.


Im in the interrogation room its silent as the detectives are talking to eachother about my story i just told them. The only part i left out was finn pulling a knife out on him it wasnt an important part of the story. Finn had good intentions that led to bad consequences.

My Obsession  (Finn Wolfhard × Reader)  •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now