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I sat in my room with finn beside me i was wrapped in his arms our backs against the head boards.
"Everyone at schools gonna hate me"
"Then let them ill protect you i promise"
"I know you will but i cant deal with the fact that i killed someone finn im a weirdo now"
I cry into his chest and he plays with my hair.
"Youre not a weirdo you were defending yourself"
I look at him and wipe my tears

"Thanks finn you always make me feel better"
He smiles and kisses my forehead
I blush and look down.
My blushing goes away and i look back up to see finn smirking.
"What if he was the one who murdered jack and Ashton"
"Pretty sure he didnt"
I shrugged and layed my head on his shoulder
"Just a thought"

(Two weeks later)

I entered the school halls everyone staring at me i put on my hoodie and kept my head low i could hear faint whispers as i walk my way to my locker.

I get to my locker and grab my stuff i need.
"See what happens when you hang out with weird kids, you become one"
I look behind me and see joyce. I havent seen her in a long time and ehen she finally appears shes a bitch
"Cat got your tongue or is it to busy being shoved down finns throat"
Her group laughs and i slam the locker door shut.
I turn my whole body and slap joyce across the face. Everyone around gasps and yells fight repeatedly.
Joyce grabs my hair and i throw my backpack aside ive never fought someone before but i for sure know pulling hair isnt apart of it.
I kick her in the knee and she falls back with me going with her i start to punch her in her face repeatedly as everyone circles us.

I dont know what got into me but tears just came down my face she was my friend at least used to be.  Now shes just a bitch.
I was pulled off of her bu a teacher. Another teacher grabbed Joyce. I grabbed my backpack and we were led to the principal's office


"You fucking weirdo i hope you and finn burn in hell"
They yell at me repeatedly as i sit down at a table. I told sadie and sophia not to sit next to me i didnt want people putting them down to.
Finn sits next to ne and wraps his arms around me i cry in his shoulder as he tries to calm me down.
"Its alright y/n its gonna be alright they'll face their karma soon"
"They think im weird" i sit up and look at him
"They think im a crazy bitch finn, they hate us"
Soon sophia came and sat down next to me
"I dont care what you or they say, youre my best friend"
I smile and she hugs me.


I waited outside for my mom but ahe was running late she didnt want me riding the bus or walking home anymore but even then i was left alone waiting un the pick up lane.
I desperately scrolled through instagram hoping to keep me busy.
I start to get up as my leg would keep falling asleep.
I just walked around in circles only to be pushed to the ground.
"What the fuck" i look at my phone that cracked a bit.
I look behind me and see joyce and her friends and a couple of guys.
I look at the ground and feel my face getting heated and tears roll down my face
"Youre such a fucking weirdo"
One yelled
"What happens when you lose your virginity to a pyschopath"
They grab me ny my arms and took my to the side of the school and pushed me back onto the ground. I groan as my back hits a rock.
I scoot off the rock and try to get up but one of the boys pin me down

"This wouldn't of happened if you listened to me when i told you finn was a fucking weirdo"
"Hes not weird you guys just dont know him"
I blurt out
"I told you before y/n he kills animals all the time you know what they say about serial killers they always start off by killing animals just to make their way up to humans"

I roll my eyes and spit on the boy holding me down.
Joyce looks at a boy and he nods he comes over to me and they pin me up against the brick wall and start punching me.
I then cough up blood and they stop.
"F-finns not a seriel killer"
"Not yet at least"
Joyce snaps back
"You d-dont e-even know him"
I stutter as the pain hits me more
"I tried warning you y/n but its too late now youre as fucking weird as finn"

I roll my eyes and they start hitting me repeatedly again.
They push me back on the ground and Joyce crouches down next to me
"You and finn deserve to go to hell with eachother"
"Well i guess w-we'll see eachother there"
Joyce clenches her jaw and grabs a bat from a backpack and his me in my thigh
I scream out in pain and cry my eyes out.
"Go suck on finns dick bitch"
They all spit on me and walk off
"This isnt over"
They yell as they walk off and leaving my sight.

I get up shaking after a couple of mintues laying there.
I hear a car honking. Hoping its my mom i yell as loud as i could but my voice shaking to the point where its quiet
I cry out hoping she heard. I keep walking towards the pick up lane and see my moms car i grab my stuff and once i get closer she runs out of the car and screams out my name.
She runs towards me and looks me up and down and starts to cry. She goes to hug me but i put my arms infront of me and shake my head no
She starts to cry but tries to hide the fact that she is.

She leads me to the car and i get in throwing my stuff on the car floor
We get in and i wince in pain as my back touches the seat.


We get back home from the hospital to get my wounds bandaged up.
I sit on the couch as my mom and dad discuss what happened with eachother.
I go upstairs and take a shower wincing as the water goes over all my wounds.
I get out as i finish and get into a shirt and some sweats.

I get into bed and grab my phone and call finn.
I tell him everything that happened hoping he could comfort me but all he replies with is a
"i have to go to bed bye"
Tears fell down my face my only support ignores me what the fuck.

My Obsession  (Finn Wolfhard × Reader)  •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now