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Finns pov

After y/n told me about joyce and the group. Anger poured through my skin
I grabbed my fear putting on my black clothes and grabbing my knife. I sneak out the window and to joyces house.
I put up my hoodie as i reach her house. I pick lock the door having gloves up so i dont leave evidence. I go up to joyces room. I open her window to make the escape easy.
I stand by her bed watching her sleep. Hearing her breathe before she breathes no more.
I smirk and grab out my knife i put my hand over her mouth and stab her repeatedly. With every stab i go faster enjoying every time the knife piercing through her skin. Her eyes widen as she lets out muffled screams.
Then she lets out her last breath i grab her and make my way out the house leaving no evidence.

I then dump her body in front of one of the boys that helped beat y/ns up house.
I then walk off and go back into my bedroom hiding all the clothes into the floor board. You see my whole life ive been studying murder. To know what kind of evidence cops look for. Obviously thats easy to know but how to clean it uo is the tricky part luckily i never have evidence to clean up if i did wouldnt i of been caught already.

I then grab my notebook and write joyces name down under Ashton and jacks name. Ashton had the loudest scream out of all of them.  I enjoyed seeing his eyes widen in fear. Ashton was the only one who didnt hurt y/n but he was still in my way. Jack and Joyce on the other hand deserved what they got. They hurt y/n nobody hurts my y/n. I put the stuff back in the floorboard and closed it tightly. I then lay in my bed and peacefully go to bed something joyce couldnt do i smile.

3rd pov

Finn falls asleep peacefully as for joyce not so much y/n was still up thinking about going to school tomorrow. She truly didnt want to but her grades depended on it she slready missed 2 weeks. She'll just have to deal with joyce and her group sns what they have restored for her.
Y/n had this weird gut feeling but she didnt know why
She turned off her light and went to sleep.

My Obsession  (Finn Wolfhard × Reader)  •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now