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"When are you wanting to leave"
My mother asks as we sit at the dinner table
"Soon as possible, i dont want anyone knowing about it either none of your friends, no family members. This stays between us"
I sigh my mom begins to cry and my dad rubs her back

"I want you guys to act like i ran away if i go and he comes looking you have to act sad and say i ran away cause if you know where i am youll be in danger"
I say to them in a serious tone.
"Im sorry"
I add
My mom tries to stop crying as she wipes the tears off her face.

"Ill be alright, you guys understand that right"
"Yeah we do but we'll miss you"
My dad says as he starts tearing up
I try to keep my control and not cry.
"So where are you going"

The place in virginia is a small town. The name is hard to pronounce. It doesnt matter its a small town. Called
Ausouth it has a population of nine hundred thirty-five people.
I picked a small town cause why the fuck not. Plus a lot of people would know eachother there so no harm. 


I start packing my stuff when something hard hits my window.
I open it and see finn. Before i could close it he comes in.
"No need to leave"
"Im not leaving just getting rid of stuff"
"Terrible liar"
I roll my eyes
"What do you want now"
"My familys moving so youre free"
I smile widely
"Youre joking"
"I dont know we'll see if i come back, but for now enjoy your time because when i do come back, hell, you'll wish i never left"

Then he left i felt tons of emotions. I put my stuff away and jumped around. I locked my window and ran downstairs.
My mom was sitting on the couch with my dad
"Im not leaving because he is"
They sat up and ran to me pulling me in a hug
"Thats fantastic"
I nod and we pull away.
"Lets not celebrate til after he leaves"
They nod and we sit and watch television.


August 6
7:08 pm

Finn and his family moved last week. 
I told my mom that 'he' left and by that i mean they dont know its finn. They always ask why finn and i dont hang out anymore, i just tell them his parents dont want him hanging out with someone who had a criminal record even though it was wiped.

I get dressed since my mom and dad wanted to go out for dinner. Also since i started school tomorrow.

I stare at my outfit in the mirror

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I stare at my outfit in the mirror.
I smiled
I havent smiled in a long time and damn did it feel good.
I went downstairs meeting my parents by the door.
My dad asks
I give him a nod and we leave to the restaurant.


I finish eating, but my parents are still eating. Theyve been talmimg the whole time while i stuffed my face with food.
"Ima go get air"
They smiled and nodded at me.

I exit the restaurant and sit on a bench nearby.
I sit in silence for two minutes before someone sits bext to me. I look and it was a boy with short brown hair. He was slim and tan. He had cute blue eyes with a few freckles.
"Everything alright"
He says
"Oh sorry for staring that was weird of me"
"Nah i liked the attention"
He smiles
He has nice teeth.
"Oh um im y/n"
"Im Ian"
I smile like an idiot

The rest of the time we just stayed talking. I gave him my number and he gave me his. Then my parents came out and i had to go. We hugged
"Bye ian"
"Bye y/n"
I smiled and left with my parents.
Though he did seem sweet i still have trust issues from you know who. On the bright side ian also goes to my school so ill be seeing him tomorrow
Then he'll find out who i am.



If you guys want a sequal tell me

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