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I get to my room and turn on the light and closing the door.
I throw my bag on my bed and get out the knife it was still wrapped in the newspaper so i got gloves and took put the knife hopefully not leaving my finger print.
The blood was already dried so as i traced my finger across it it hust crumpled up.

I thought to myself
Its fake it has to be this cant be real.
I wrap the knife back up and went downstairs throwing the knife in the trash.
Ill buy him a new one.
I go back upstairs and do my nightly routine.


I head inside the school seeing finn at my locker he looks mad. I go up to him and he just stares at me
"Whats wrong"
"We need to talk"
He grabs my arm and pulls me into the computer lab. They still need to get a computer teacher or whatever the fuck theyre called.

"Did you take something from me"
"What no why would i do that"
"Really because something of mines missing and it disappeared after you came over"
He looked very upset
"Fine i took your knife"
His then mad looked turned worried
"Why do you have it anyways"
"I use it as a prop i create videos"
"Yeah okay"

I roll my eyes but i felt reassurance but even then something in me said he was lying. I pushed it aside snd hugged him and went to our class as the bell rang.


Finns pov

Last night i went to go grab my knife to pay one of joyces friends a visit but my knife was gone so i had to grab on from the kitchen. So far nobody knows violas gone. What friends she has. I payed her a visit as i planned last night. She didnt scream or try to fight back. The perks of killing people who are heavy sleepers.

I stashed her body in the woods off the trail of course.
I dont think people will find her body any time soon. These cops around here are just dumb as fuck. They haven't even caught on. Ive seen enough to know i shpuldnt get sloppy with my killings cause soon as i do. Thats when my ass gets caught. I dont know what I'd do if i was in jail without y/n.

Shes the love of my life she lights up my day. Not only but we've now gone through the same things. She doesnt have a choice but to love me.
Soon she'll be mine weither she likes it or not.

I look over at her as we sit in the cafeteria. Soon everyone who hurt her wont be able to hurt her ever again. I just have four more people to go. Since its friday theyre going to a party ill do my killings there.
"Y/n wanna go to Jennas party later"
"You never like going to parties"
She looks at me with a raised eyebrow
I shrug and smile
"I dont know i just wanna get out of my house"
"Alright we'll go"


Y/ns pov

The weird feeling just keeps poking at my skin not letting me be. My daily tasks became hard for me to do as the thoughts of finn killing someone tugged at my skin. Pulling me down leaving me sick. Usually horror movies never make me feel this way. I cant even look at finn maybe this is all just me overthinking.

I get to finns house so we can uber together to the party.
He smiles at me i fakely smile back
We go up to his room and he closes the door.
"Can you leave it open please"
"Yeah sure"
He opens the door back up and we start to hang out.


We get to the party and we grab drinks and just dance around. I felt comfortable being around so many people.
i lost finn but i dont care honestly im having fun. No worries or feelings of sickness. Maybe i was just over thinking finn cant be a murderer.

Finns pov

I went to all four of the peoples drinks dropping tiny bits of cyanide into their cups.
(Dont come at me for not know how to murder :) )
I go back to y/n putting the little capsule in my pocket.
"Im not feeling good y/n"
She looks at me concerned
"Can we leave"
She nods and grabs my hand
We leave and go back to my house.


We get back to my house and i hide the capsule in my secret hideout as y/n gets changed into her pajamas in the bathroom.
I wash my hands in the kitchen and i go backstairs to my room seeing y/n im the covers sleeping. I smile and i get in my sleep wear and lay down next to her and fall asleep.

Y/ns pov

I woke up in the middle of the school hallway but it was empty and dark.
I got up and the only noise was the sounds of my shoes hitting the floors. I made my way down the hall way before the lights started flickering.
I yelled out loud as i got goosebumps as it got chilly.
Suddenly someone appeared at the other end of the hallway.

Thats when they started to run towards me with a knife. My heart started racing fast i just stood there not being able to move. Finally as they got close my body responded to my brain and i turned adound running towards the entrance.

i screamed out but no one responded.
I was just stuck running away from whoever was chasing me.
I get to the doors and tried opening but it wouldn't open i started to hit it but that didnt help but make my arms hurt.
Soon the person stopped running and started walking towards me. I squinted my eyes and they came closer. Finn. My eyes started to water the knife was raised. I backed up against the wall as he reached me he grabbed me by my neck pushing me to the ground. I tried to get up and run but he pinned me down
"Hey sunshine"

He said as he raised the knife and forcefully brung the knife down to my chest. I felt the knife pierce my skin and the weird unsettling sensation of it.


I woke up shaking covered in sweat. My heart was racing as the dream i had replayed in my head in my head. I look over to see finn peacefully sleeping.
The sun was shinning through the halfway closed curtains. I got up and went and took a shower.

Finns pov

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening in came y/n with wet hair.
"Morning finn"
I smile at her and she gives me a small smile back
"Morning sunshine"
She started to shake a little as i finished saying morning.

Sorry this part sucked its 12 am not that thats a good excuse most people write good at night but me i dont. Anyways its also because im not good at writing down my thoughts in pov kinda of ways but im also not a 3rd person kind of gal. Ill get better at it. Anywho have you guys ever watched Bailey Sarian on youtube if youre into true crime you should.
- W.G

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