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My mom turned off the news
Five people were found dead this morning. Four people from the party we went to on Friday were poisoned
and viola was found dead in the woods someine went deer hunting this morning and the persons dog found her body
I was with finn that day so its not him
I felt a rush of happiness til i remembered i left him later that night. Luckily i threw the knife away and didnt put my finger prints on it. I shouldve given it back since he knows it was me who took it. But its fake blood so its not a murder weapon so both him and i are innocent.

The thing is everyone who beat me up is dead now. They cant bother anymore or hurt me. Why do i feel happy instead of sad
"They need to find out whos doing this quick i dont even think i want you going to school or leaving the house"
My mom said worridly.
"She needs to her grades are slacking"
My dad said as he took a bite of his donut
"Grades won't matter if im dead"
I said kinda annoyed at my dad. He really doesnt care people are being murdered by a heartless person.

"Dont say that"
My mom said with a sad tone
I say looking at her.
"Do they have any leads on the case"
My nother asks my father, he finishes his donut and shrugs
"No they dont at least not yet whoevers killing these teens is good at hiding evidence"

"I should get back in karate"
I says sarcastically and not thinking to be taken seriously but my mom and dad nod
"Yes you should, ill call Devin"
He says as he gets up and dialing devins number on his phone
Devin was my old karate instructor i left karate in middle school just didnt have the time to do it.
I didnt think theyd actually agree but at least I'd know karate.


Finns pov

My killing number is now eight people. Im done with killing for now obviously until someone messes with y/n. The police still dont have a clue that its me. Nobody even thinks its me besides people thinking im a psychopath and thinking everything i do is suspicious. I dont kill people for the joy of it. I do it for y/n to hsve her and be with her. She needs me i can protect her i know i can.

Ive gotten rid of everyone who has ever bothered y/n. I can do so much for her. Nobody could ever appreciate y/n as much as i do. Shes my everything even if she doesnt know it yet.
I love her

This is short but anywho hope yall enjoyy

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