
422 7 15

I never thought that this would happen never intended for it too it kinda just you know did.
I sat infront of the dead body
I wish this was over already.

Y/ns pov

I got up from my bed with the fatest headache ever. Why the fuck does headaches even exist. Gods testing my liking to his creations.
I do my morning routine and head off to school. Lately people at school have been over the edge.
The atmosphere is all sad and scary. All scared that they might be next i mean i am scared too.


My muscles ache as i leave the building. Karate really kicked my ass
I get in my dads car as my muscles ached
I nod

he then drops me off at finns house.
"Be safe"
He smiles at me
"I will finns very protective"
"With him i mean"
I look at him with a confused look
"Just go and have fun"
I smile and get out of the truck and into finns house. Ive been over so much that i dont even knock i let myself in.

I look around to see no one home.
I yell out
"Anyone home"
Soneones gotta be home the door was unlocked
I yell out more but got no response
I look in every room to see no one.
I then hear a scream coming from the basement.
I make my way to the basement opening the door.
I turned on the light and heard crying.

I make my way down the stairs to see a young girl.
"What the fuck"
I let out.
"Please help me"
I go to her as she starts shaking
"Are you alright"
"No h-he put me down here"
"Who did"

I raise an eyebrow and she sniffles
My stomach turned and an unpleasent filling filled my body. Why would he do this.
"Cause hes a crazy bitch"
"How long have you been down here"
"Longer than i can remember"

"Do you know why he did it though"
I ask with concern
"I dont know ive never done anything wrong to him, we were friends before he moved schools we spent all of our time together then things got super weird and then one day he confessed he liked me and i rejected him i said it was better we stayed friends then the next minute im knocked out and down here. He said i shouldn't of rejected him but i cant love someone by forcing it"

"Im so sorry luckily i heard your scream how come ive never heard you when ive been over all those times"
"He tapes my mouth shut but luckily that dumb bitch forgot to put new tape on"
"Wait how come his family hasnt seen you"
"He doesnt let them down here"
I sigh and look at her arms so much bruises.
"You need to get away from him"
I look at her sadly
"But hes my friend"
"So was i and here i am either you get away from him now or you end up like me he likes you y/n he tells me everything since i cant go and tell people im stuck down here i dont want him to kidnap you too hes killed all those people for you, you need to get away from him"
She yells at me she sounds so worried and scared
"Im gonna get you outta here first"
She nods and i go and untie her from the plumbing pipes"
She gets her hands free and smiles
"Thank you so much''
I nod and we get up from the floor. All of a sudden her smile faded away and she looked soulless.
"You alright"
I ask her
She goes to hit me but i grab her arm
"What the fuck i just helped you and you repay me with this"
I let go of her arm and she frowns
I nod and make my way up to the stairs until i felt something hsrd hit the back of my head.
I fall forward and she grabs onto my legs pulling me to the pipes.
I kick and grab a bat thats next to me and wack her repeatedly
I kick her and she falls backwards
I get up and so does she she then starts hitting me with a small metal pole.
I then hit her with the bat hard against the side of her head. She then fell and hit her head again on the hard flooring.
Soon blood started to form
I kneel down next to her to check her pulse.

Lmao what is this

My Obsession  (Finn Wolfhard × Reader)  •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now