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"Please let me go!"

I cried out as he dragged me inside the room by holding my hair in a strong grip. My scalp was burning, but he did not stop or showed any mercy.

"No. I think you need to have a lesson" he pushed me forward, and I fell down. He kneeled in front of me, and held my face in between his fingers as tears fell down my cheeks "You're getting out of hand" he hissed and my breath caught in throat when he started to unbuckle his belt.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry... don't hurt me" I panicked but he just smirked and folded it's one end in his hand.

"It's necessary honey" he smiled sweetly and then I felt the first blow of the belt on my back.


I screamed on the top of my lungs as I felt someone touching me. My eyes flew open as I looked around me in panic. I was in the car and.. Sana.. Sana was there beside me.

"Eun Sang" she placed a hand on my shoulder carefully "Are you feeling okay?" she asked softly, and I swallowed hard.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand and nodded "Wh-where are we?" I asked as my hands clutched the ends of my dress.

"Exo dorms" she ran a hand through my hair and I bit my lip. "Minseok is in there. Okay? Everything is fine" she comforted me and I nodded.

She climbed down the car, and I followed her out. After paying to the cab driver, I held her hand tightly as we walked into the dorms. I did not dare to look around and kept my head down as Sana helped me sit on the couch.

"I'll be right back" she patted my shoulder and turned around, but I held her hand immediately. She turned to look at me, confused as my eyes scanned the living room, scared.

"Where are you going?" I asked, and she smiled gently.

"I'm just gonna bring water for you" she told me "Everything is okay here. They are good people, Eun Sang"

I nodded, still unsure and started playing with my hands as I waited for her to come back. I looked around again and the dorm looked spacious. An unknown smile appeared on my lips when I thought about the different games or goofy stuffs Exo must have done here. I stiffened when I felt eyes on me and looked in that direction to see a guy with a glass of water.

"Sana is coming" his face was pale for some reason and I recognized him as Chen. Why did he look so scared? I dropped my eyes to my lap and bowed.

"Anyong" I mumbled, embarrassed because it was awkward for me to come here. I didn't know anyone here.

"Here" He gave me a glass of water and I looked up at him. My hands were shaking as I took it from him, and the glassalmost fell down if not for him securing his hands around the glass. He wrapped his hands around mine and my breath caught in my throat because the warmth was oddly familiar as I looked up into his eyes.

His gentle smile made his eyes disappear there for a second. "It's okay" he said, softly "Drink" he gestured me and I nodded before gulping the water down.

He took the empty glass from my hands and turned around to leave but I called out to him "Chogiyo. I've heard your memory is very sharp when it comes to remembering faces" I mumbled and he turned to face me.

Oasis (In A Relationship With EXO Chen ✅) Where stories live. Discover now