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"Any plans for the weekend?"

Isabelle groaned, squinting as her mother pulled open the curtains in her room, waking her up.

"Mom I was sleeping!" she glanced at the clock, "Its only eight thirty"

"Oh, the clock downstairs must be wrong. It says its twelve on there. Anyway, you didn't answer my question"

"Yeah, because you blinded me to wake me up"

"Well, do you have any plans?"

Isabelle sighed, "Sam's gonna teach me to skate" she said, propping herself up on her arms and blinking rapidly to hake her vision less hazy.

"You're hanging out with Sam a lot, arent you" her mom grinned, making Isabelle pull a face.

"Ew, mom, I'm hanging out with him because he actually wanted to be my friend. Same with his other friends. Anyway, I've only known him for like two months" she shook her head at the theory her mom was obviously creating.

Her mom gave her an innocent smile, "I don't know what you're talking about" she said, turning and walking out of the room, "there's some extra toast on the counter"

Isabelle sighed and pulled herself out of bed, rubbing her eyes. She headed downstairs in her pyjamas and put some toast onto a plate and sat down, putting butter on it.

She chewed on the toast slowly, her head resting on the palm of her hand, and her mom sat down opposite her.

"You're never like this in the morning. What's wrong?"

Isabelle shrugged. It was true, Isabelle was usually a morning person and was up earlier than her mom.

"I couldn't sleep I guess"

Her mom furrowed her brow, "are you feeling ill?"

She shook her head, "No, Just tired" she sighed, still half asleep.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't hang out with Sam today..."

"No, no. I'll be fine, I just need to wake up properly" she laughed softly.

Her mom took a long look at her daughter, narrowing her eyes slightly as she took in her tired eyes and slightly slouched posture. "Are you sure?"

Isabelle nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure, I'm just tired"

"Alright then" her mother smiled at her and stood up, leaving her to finish eating her toast.


"Nice outfit" Sam laughed, looking Isabelle up and down.

She was wearing knee and elbow pads over her jeans and hoodie, and held a skateboard she had been given a year or two before.

"Just because you can skateboard, it doesn't mean everyone can" she grinned, "besides, I'm the literal most clumsy person I know, which is saying a lot"

"I hadn't noticed" Sam said sarcastically, having watched her trip over her own feet more times than he could count in the few months he had known her.

They walked down the road to a small outdoor car park that was rarely used, the perfect place for Isabelle to learn to skate in a straight line.

Sam demonstrated how to cruise on the board, and Isabelle watched him go in a circle before he came to a stop in front of her.

"Your turn"

"Yeah, I'm gonna fall over straight away" she laughed, putting her skateboard on the ground.

Sam held out his hands, which she took hold of to steady herself and she put one foot onto the board.

"Okay, now use your left foot to push off"

She nodded and pushed off, instantly pushing the board behind her and sharply tugging on Sam's arms by accident, almost bringing him toppling down on top of her.

"Ok that might need a little work" Sam laughed, helping her stand up again.

They tried multiple times until Isabelle could finally go a small distance without falling over.

"Come on, lets go back" she said, brushing the gravel off of her jeans.

"Try again next week?"

Isabelle nodded, "might as well, then we can skate to school together. Once I get the hang of it of course"

"Sounds like a plan" Sam smiled as they picked up their skateboards and started to walk back up the road.

They came to a stop outside Isabelle's house.

"See you on Monday" she smiled at him and headed up to the front door, taking off the elbow pads as she walked.


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