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The following week, Isabelle wished that she hadn't shown up to that meeting.

The atmosphere in the room was gloomy since Kristy, Stacey and Claudia had all been grounded.

Mary Anne was yet to show up, so Isabelle stood in front of the three girls, her arms crossed.

"You guys are being super overdramatic" she frowned at them.

"Well, if Mary Anne hadn't blabbed to her crazy dad, none of us would be grounded" Kristy replied.

"Mary Anne was really upset yesterday, you keep forgetting that she doesn't have a mother to talk to about this stuff, and from what I can tell, her father isn't exactly the most supportive guy"

"He's insane" Kristy muttered, rolling her eyes.

Isabelle sighed, "well, she's trying her best. If you guys are going to spent this whole club meeting glaring at Mary Anne, then I'm just going to go. I'll come back when you stop acting so childish"

The three girls muttered quiet Sorry and Isabelle turned to leave, walking down the hallway, passing Mary Anne as she went; giving her an encouraging smile.

She grabbed her bag and headed to her house, where she stopped to say hello to her mom, before she headed across the road to knock on the door of Sam and Kristy's house, hoping that Sam was free.

The door was answered by Sam, who gave her a slightly confused look for showing up without any warning, but let her in any way, and they went upstairs to sit in his room."

"Does your sister have a heart?" she asked, looking out of the window.

Sam started to laugh, stopping when he realised that she wasn't joking.

She turned to him, "She's mad at Mary Anne because she was trying to seek comfort that she wouldn't give her"

"You've got a point"

Isabelle smiled a little, "It's just... she didn't seem sorry at all. The others seemed like they felt a bit guilty, but if I'm being honest, they're all acting like the girls that bullied me back in New York, and that's saying a lot"

"Try living with her. I'm sure she will come around"

Isabelle snorted, making Sam laugh at the noise she made, "She better do. I told them that I'm not going back to their club until they stop acting childish, and without me, Mary Anne would have to stop being in the club too, because her dad is the only reason I'm in it, and I know she loves the club"

"Well then, for Mary Anne's sake, I hope they come to their senses"

Isabelle smiled, "so do I, there's something I hate about being involved in other people's arguments, it makes me super uncomfortable"

Sam grinned, "I'm making a mental note to never drag you into an argument"

Isabelle shrugged, "you're the only exception, you're my best friend and to be honest, I would punch someone in the face if they were mean to you" she paused, "was that too far?" she asked, pulling a face.

Sam laughed, "now, I'm making a mental note to never get on your bad side. And that I now know who to call if I ever need help covering up a murder"

Isabelle laughed, "If you called me asking for help covering up a murder, I would not hesitate to snitch on you"

Sam looked at the girl sitting in front of him and sighed, "I don't think I'm ever going to fully understand you, Belle"

"And that's the way it will stay" she said, elbowing him lightly in the arm before turning back to him, "You know, my mom is already planning our trip to Brooklyn in summer"

"Already? Its not even Christmas yet!"

She nodded, "Yeah, she keeps telling me to bring a friend but I'm pretty sure that literally every single child and teenager in this whole town goes to camp in summer, so I was going to see if you want to go"

"Well, I'm meant to be going to camp as per usual next summer, but my mom said that if there's anything else I want to do, I can do that as long as Im not home alone and I have adult supervisation, so lets say, if you still want me to go with you a month before the wedding, then lets do that. Deal?"

Isabelle grinned, "Deal."


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