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"Hey, Mary Anne!"

Isabelle stood at Mary Anne's door, ready to go to the BSC meeting, and glanced at the girl that Mary Anne was standing with. Mary Anne had told her that her name was Dawn, and she had moved to Stoneybrook recently.

The Christmas break had been hectic, but Isabelle had been able to see her dad, and she exchanged gifts with her family, the babysitters club, and with Sam.

"Hi! You must be Dawn, I'm Isabelle, but you can call be Belle"

"Like the princess? I love that! Its nice to meet you" Dawn smiled.

Isabelle nodded, "Yep, just like the princess. Are you guys ready?" she asked, and the two girls grabbed their hats and scarves, "pretty much"

"Are you sure Kristy is okay with me coming?"

Mary Anne pulled a face, "Oh, but Mary Anne!"

"Its perfect timing. Its a new year. everyones back from vacation. Act first, then ask for forgiveness later"

"I'm kinda liking the new Mary Anne" Isabelle grinned

"You know how weird Kristy is around me! Shes gonna flip, and then I'll never be able to join the BSC." Dawn pulled a face.

"Thats how she is, you'll see."

"When I first moved here, she didnt speak to me for like a month, if Sam hadnt become my friend, I wouldnt have known anyone here"


"As president, all guests should be run by me. Its in the bylaws."

Kristy glared past Mary Anne and Isabelle at Dawn.

Claudia laughed, looking over at Kristy, "We have bylaws now?"

Kristy sat up straight, "Yes, in the club constitution I wrote over break."

She sighed at the blank expression on Claudia's face, "Do you ever check your email?"

Mary Anne gave Dawn a smile, "I brought Dawn with me today because she's a great friend and a great babysitter."

Kristy's expression didn't change.

Isabelle sighed, "Come on Kristy, things were quiet over the holidays, but now our clients are back. We're gonna need a new sitter, or we will get overstretched"

Kristy looked to Isabelle, "Isn't that your job?"

Isabelle rolled her eyes slightly, "Last time I checked, I can't be in two places at once."

Stacey stood up and walked over to Dawn, "well, as the last new girl in town, I'm thrilled that Dawn is here." She went to sit down, moving up on the bed so Dawn could sit next to her, "And about those bylaws, anything about kicking jobs to members who spent way too much on holiday gifts slash new riding boots?"

Claudia laughed, "Second that. I have a handmade roll of washi paper being held at Dick Blick."

"Oh! Speaking of shopping, I have some news!" Mary Anne smiled at everyone, "My dad is finally letting me redo my room a bit!"

Everyone looked surprised.

"Yes! New year, new you!"

"Nothing major," Mary Anne confirmed, "I have some babysitting money saved, so he said I could buy a couple new things. Some new pillows, maybe, a cool new lamp?"

"Hot! Lets browse." Claudia said, getting up and logging into her laptop, and everyone crowded around her.

"Okay, I'll pull up my pinterest. I still have some boards saved from when I moved, sorted by colour story."

"Navy Blue is nice!" Everyone turned to look at Kristy, who had hung back, and was standing in the middle of the room, "and it hides the dirt."

Claudia pulled a face.

"How about a theme? Something personal you love?" Dawn suggested.

"Broadway musicals!"

"Or textiles" Isabelle said, remembering Mary Anne talking about how much she liked sewing and knitting.

"What, like yarn?"

Everyone was silent, looking at Kristy, until the phone rang.

"Thank god." Stacey muttered as she got up to answer it.

"Hello, babysitters club. Hi, Natalie"

Isabelle saw Kristy's eyes widen.

"Mm-hmm, okay. I'll check."

Stacey muted herself on the phone and looked at everyone, "Remember how I said I needed a job? Can I take the next one instead?"

"Yeah, I'm broke, but not sit for the Barretts broke"

Isabelle nodded in agreement, having babysat for them once, and it being a nightmare.

"What's wrong with the Barretts?" Dawn asked.

"Their three kids are out of control, and the mom is in a recently divorced wrecking ball phase."

"That's kind of reductive" Dawn said, and Kristy raised her eyebrows at her comment, "Excuse me?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"I mean, newly divorced? A mom of three kids? Of course she's feeling overwhelmed."

Kristy narrowed her eyes, "Then why don't you take the job?"

Dawn looked between Kristy and Mary Anne, an uncertain smile on her face, "Does that mean I'm in the club?"

"Possibly. On a probationary basis. We'll see how she does, and then we'll make the final decision."

"So, if she's great, which she will be, she's in?" Isabelle asked.

"And if she tanks... Natalie loses her number forever. It's a win-win." Claudia added on.

Kristy turned back to Dawn, "Good luck. And don't say you weren't warned."

Hey! Sorry that it's been a whole week since the last chapter, I've just been adjusting to year 11 at school. Anyway, I'm trying to establish a writing schedule, and my aim is to publish at least two chapters per day if possible :)


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