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Thank you guys for continuing on with this series! I have seriously loved writing all of it and really hope that you guys enjoy(ed) reading it so far! Here are just some quick notes I want to get across:

I won't post too many A/N because I don't want them to be overwhelming. If there is one, go ahead and please read it cause it could be important (retaining to the story, my posting schedule, me in general, etc). All I ask is you pay attention to them just in case.

This work is mine! Do not take it because I worked super hard on creating this story line, this character, and the edits within the book. Feel free to read the book and add it to reading lists but do not take it and sell it as your own. I am available to help you start writing a book if that's what you want, just not my book.

There will be mature themes in this one, and it might be just a little heavier than the last one (idk this note is being written before I have the entire book complete. I'll add something here if needed: ). There is language, drinking, violence, and some bad examples in here. Not much sex/nudity cause I don't feel entirely too comfortable writing that shit.

This won't be updated on a schedule because I have a job, sports, and (possibly) school and those things have to come first. I'll be ahead with my writing (like I've posted two chapters but I've got seven written) but I don't want to just put them all out there at once and then get behind cause that's stressful, so... it is what it is *shrugs*.

I really hope you guys like this book, and the best way to show me that you do is by commenting (nice things), voting, adding to reading lists, and sharing it with people. Like seriously, you just have to vote and that will give me more confidence to write :). I only ask for you to be nice please.

Sorry for the long rant, go on ahead and enjoy the book!

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