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Daniels POV

I tried to focus on hitting the volleyball around but I couldn't help but look over at that girl. She was stunning to say the least. I wanted to go over there and talk to her but the only time I had actually talked to her was when I accidentally fell on her. What would I even say? Hey you are cute so here I am? I watched as she rode a big wave and when she resurfaced her messy brown hair was covering her eyes. I quietly giggled as I watched her move the hair out of her face.

"You are staring." Jonah mumbled catching me out of my trance. "No I wasn't." I say defensively as I see all the guys staring at me.

"She's cute." Zach mumbled as he looked over at her. "Stop staring like idiots and get in the water!" Corbyn yelled as he dove into the ocean.

I sighed as I ran into the water behind him. All the other guys followed us. I dove under the water getting my entire body wet. I quickly swam up and fixed my hair. I looked over at her and saw she was looking at me. I smiled and waved at her. She waved back and we kept our eyes locked on each other. I felt someone's arms on my back and next thing I knew I was dunked under water. I smacked whoever shoved me and quickly came back up for air.

"I tried to scream but my head was underwater." Corbyn sang as he came up from the water. I quickly looked over to see her laughing at me. "Nice Corbyn! You made me look stupid." I mumble as I look over at him.

He just laughed and then splashed me. "Your face always looks stupid anyways." Corbyn said jokingly causing me to splash him. He pretended to be offended and then splashed me back. I heard a big splash next to me as i turn and see jack and Zach fighting. Jonah just laughed at how dumb they were. A huge wave came towards us we all swam under it. Another huge wave came directly after it. Then another wave sucked us deeper into the ocean and then slammed us backwards. My body got slammed onto the ground and I felt sand hit my body. I quickly swam up and took a deep breath. I looked over at everyone else to make sure they were okay. Zachs hair was all messy and in his face causing me to point at him and laugh. He flipped me off as I laughed. I glanced over to check on Corbyn and I saw him looking frantically behind me.

"Where did she go?" Corbyn asked as he pointed behind me. I whipped my head around and scanned the water. It was like that girl vanished. "She was just there." I mumble as I point at where she use to be.

I scanned the beach for any sign of her. I look at where her friend was but she wasn't with her. Her friend was frantically looking in the water. Her friend ran into the water. "Chastity!" She screamed. "Shit." I yell as I start swimming towards where she use to be.

"You think the waves got her?" Corbyn asked me as he followed close behind. I dove under water and opened my eyes trying to see if I could see her but I couldn't. I quickly swam up and caught my breath again. A couple smaller waves hit my chest as I scanned the water. "It must have dragged her further into the ocean." I yell as I start swimming deeper.

I squint into the distant and see a lifeless body floating in the water. "Fuck! Corbyn!" I yell as I start quickly swimming towards it. Another wave knocked me backwards but I continued to push through and swim towards her.

"I found her." I screamed as I held her lifeless body. Her eyes were closed and her head was hanging down. She wasn't moving and her lips were purple. I held her tightly in my arms and kicked my feet vicisouly as I realized it was too deep for me to stand. I started making my way back towards the shore. It was a long way and my arms were killing me. "Call 911!" I screamed.

I watched as Jonah make his way to shore since he was way closer than me. "I got you." I whispered not knowing if she could even hear me. I kept going as fast as I could swimming with her in my arms. "You got her?" Corbyn asked me as I reached him.

He grabbed her legs and helped me her back to shore. I was breathing deeply as my feet could finally touch the sand. I started walking out of the water with her in my arms in a cradle position. Her friend was crying as she quickly ran up to me. "Chastity!" She screamed as she stared at her in my arms.

I set her down on her friends towel as the rest of the boys swarmed around her. I kneeled down beside her. "I called 911 they will be here soon." Jonah said calmly. "Anybody know CPR?" Zach asked as he frantically looked around at all of us.

Corbyn pointed his finger at me. I felt everyone's eyes on me. I ran a hand through my hair as I stared at her lifeless body. I put my finger on her wrist trying to see if she had a pulse. "I can't hear her pulse." I mumbled. I was freaking out. This felt so surreal. Her life rests literally in my hands. This girl I barely know!

"Can you save her?" Her friend croaked out. "Shouldn't we wait for the professionals?" I asked nervously as I looked up at all of them.

"They might not get here in time. She was out there for a while." Corbyn said nervously. "I took one online class on CPR. I don't think I can do it." I mumbled as I stared at her body.

"It doesn't hurt to try." Jack said softly. I sighed as I looked at her. This poor girl, her life rests in the hands of non other than the idiot Daniel Seavey. What are the odds?
Oh no!!!! 😩


She tried to scream but her head was underwater 😂- that's not funny she drowned

Okay it's kinda funny.

Anyways hope you enjoyed

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