13|Lover Boy

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Daniels POV

She awkwardly nods as she looks away from me. "We should probably head back." She mumbles as she starts to stand up. I feel bad that I didn't kiss her. It's not that I didn't want to I just want her to be fully aware of her actions if it does happen.

We walk side by side in silence along the beach. I thought about how there's something about her mom that makes her upset. I wish she could tell me so I could help her but she probably doesn't want to open up to a guy she just met. I watched as she tripped and almost fell on a pile of sand but I quickly caught her. She laughed as I helped her stand up. Even the slightest touch sends butterflies to my stomach.

"Thanks." She mumbles in an embarrassed tone. "No problem." I reply shyly as I run a hand through my hair.

I walk her up to her hotel room. "Thanks for making sure I got back safe." She says softly as she stands outside her door. "No problem I really like hanging out with you." I say softly as I rest my hand on the door frame and lean above her.

She takes a deep breath as she looks up at me. "Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow." She says as she turns the handle. She sends me a wink as she opens the door. "Bye. I'll make sure I see you tomorrow." I say softly as she shuts the door.

Once the door is shut I jump up and down at the thought of seeing her again. She just made me feel some special kinda way. I can't explain it. I just want to be around her and I know with tour I probably won't be able to see her a lot. We both are only in Hawaii for a couple more days and I don't want to waste them.

I walk away from her door and head down to my hotel room. I practically skipped down the stairs as a huge grin stayed on my face. "There's the lover boy." Zach says playfully the second I enter the room. "Very funny." I say sharply as I plop down on my bed.

"So you ask her out yet?" Corbyn asks me. "I'm not gonna ask her out okay? I need to get to know her more." I say softly.

"But you are already in love with her plus your time together is limited." Jonah says softly. "You probably won't see her again so shoot your shot man." Jack says softly.

"She lives in La so I will see her again. If I want to ask her out I will, okay?" I reply sharply. They all groan as they disagree with me but I choose to ignore them.

"Tomorrow we are going cliff jumping and filming it." Jonah announces to the group. We all nod our heads as we all go on our phones.

Text messages

Chastity ❤️

I just threw up in the toilet 💀

Daniel 🥰
Stop I wanna laugh
but I feel bad 😂🥺

Chastity ❤️

I love the support 😒👏

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I love the support 😒👏

Daniel 🥰
Is there anything I
can do for you ? 💓

Chastity ❤️
Yes have my children😉
That was Candace 😦

Daniel 🥰
Hahah I was like uhhh 😂

Daniel 🥰Hahah I was like uhhh 😂

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Chastity ❤️
Sorry about that..
there's nothing you can do
imma just puke my brains out brb 🏃‍♀️

Daniel 🥰
Can you try and fall asleep 😩

Chastity ❤️
I have issues falling asleep
when I'm drunk 🤡

Daniel 🥰
I cannot relate😂. Hold up
I'm coming over

Chastity ❤️
Stop you are not! ✋


I quickly get up from my bed and walk towards the door. "Where are you going?" Jonah asked me as they were all confused. "Nowhere." I say as I try and act not suspicious.

"He's going to see his girlfriend. Lover boy!" Zach yells as he starts making kissy noises. "Shut up!" I yell as I throw a pillow at him.

I quickly get out of the room as they all continue to make kissy noises and laugh at me. I walk up the stairs of the hotel and head to her room. When I get to her room I knock on the door. I smile as the door opens expecting Chasity but instead it was old man.

"Sorry wrong room." I say as I try not to laugh. I knock on the door next to it and luckily Candace opens the door. "She's not doing so hot." Candace mumbles as she leads me inside. She leads me to the bathroom and I patiently wait outside.

"You missed it I knocked on the wrong door and some old dude opened it!" I yell to Chastity inside the room. I hear a weak laugh leave her lips. "Of course you're dumbass would do that!" She yells as her voice breaks.

"Can I come in?" I ask her softly. "Sure." She mumbles. I slowly open the door revealing her sitting next to the toilet. She was wearing a big sweatshirt and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked absolutely adorable. She looked really weak.

"Candace do you have baking soda!" I yell out to her. "Yeah give me a sec!" She yells from the other room.

I kneel down next to Chastity as I run a hand through her hair. "Don't worry. I'm prepared for this." I say causing her to laugh. "Who knew my savior would be Daniel Seavey?" She says sarcastically.

Candace hands me the soda and I give it to Chasity. She takes a couple sips of it. "Lets get you in your bed." I say softly as I pick her up. "Ugh I probably look so gross right now." Chasity says as I set her on her bed.

"I think you look adorable." I say softly. I climb into bed with her and wrap my arm around her. "Will you stay with me till I fall asleep?" She asks me softly. I nod my head as he rests her head on my shoulder.

The pic of Daniel at the top 😍

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now