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Chastity's POV

"Daniel where are we going!" I yell as a laugh escapes my lips. Daniel had a tight grip on my hand as he led me to the beach. "We are going to where me met. It's the last night... might as well make it worth it." Daniel replies playfully.

We arrive at the beach and there was a slight breeze causing my dress to blow up. I laughed as I quickly pushed my dress down. "Come on!" Daniel yelled as he started walking towards the water. "Daniel it's cold and it's late." I say nervously as I feel the icy water on my foot.

"Its the last night.... come on!" Daniel yells as I feel his arms wrap around my waist. Before I have time to react I feel Daniel take both of our  body's underwater. He quickly brings my body out of the water as he laughs. "My dress is soaked." I say in disbelief as I gesture to my body.

Daniel picks me up and spins me in the water as we both laugh. "Sometimes you just gotta live a little." Daniel says as he sets my body back in the water. I push his chest causing him to dramatically fall into the water. Daniel runs a hand through his wet hair as he gets out of the water. I run away from him as I laugh. Within seconds I feel his arms wrap around my waist picking me up into the air. He holds me above his head as I hold my arms out.

"Goodbye Hawaii!" I yell as we both laugh. He throws me over his shoulder as he starts walking deeper into the water. I cling onto his back as he plunges our body's under the water. He quickly brings us out of the water and walks back to the shallow end. He holds me in bridal position as I feel his eyes on me. "This reminds me of when I saved you." He says softly causing me to turn and face him.

Water was dripping down his face as his eyes were locked on mine. The moon reflecting off the ocean was making his blue eyes glow in the darkness. I felt myself take a deep breath as my eyes glanced down at his lips. He placed my legs on the ground as his eyes stayed locked on mine. He started to lean in causing my heart to nearly explode. I felt his lips press against mine and I immediately kissed him back. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we deepened the kiss. His hands were on my cheeks as he moved his lips around mine. I ran my hands through his hair as I felt a whole zoo explode in my stomach. We both pulled away as we took deep breaths. Our eyes stayed locked as we looked at each other in amazement.

"I've been wanting to that this entire time." Daniel says breathlessly. "Well what took you so long?" I ask him softly.

"Nerves." He mumbles softly. I feel my body shiver as the wind blew against my cold and wet body. "We should probably head back." Daniel says awkwardly as he motions towards the beach.

We both walk out of the ocean and I look over at Daniels soaked clothes. He pulls off his shirt causing my eyes to widen. "I wish I wasn't a girl cause I could take this stupid wet dress off." I complain as we start walking back to the hotel. "I mean you could take it off but you probably shouldn't." Daniel replies playfully.

I try and push him down into the sand but he is way stronger than me. He trips on the sand as I push him causing me to fall directly on top of him. We both laugh as I lay on top of him. Our eyes lock again and I felt a deep desire to kiss him again. I could feel his heart pounding against mine as his eyes flickered to my lips. I forced my body up off of him. "I really like you.... but I know this is just some fling." I mumble as we walk hand in hand back to the hotel.

"A fling?" He asks me in disbelief. "Yeah... I mean you are going to be on tour and we just met so there's no way this could actually lead to something." I say truthfully.

Daniels eyes fall as I can tell he is upset. "So this is it... I'll never see you again." Daniel says softly. "Maybe we will run into each other again some time in LA." I say softly.

"I hope we do." Daniel says softly. He walks me up to my hotel door. We stand by the door awkwardly as we wait for someone to say goodbye. He places a kiss on my cheek as he pulls me into a hug. "Goodbye... I hope I see you again." He says softly.

"It's been fun." I tell him as I smile at him. He places his lips on mine catching me off guard but I kiss him back. We both pull away as I feel
his eyes on mine. "Bye." I whisper as I walk inside my room.

Tomorrow I would be getting on an airplane back to LA and hopefully Daniel would only be a distant memory. But how could I just forget about someone who made me feel so alive and special?

There will be another part 😏

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now