16|Cliff Diving

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Chastitys POV

"That's really high up." I mumble as I stare up at the huge cliff. "It's gonna be awesome!" Zach yells as he begins to climb up it.

Everyone followed close behind him but I stayed still as I was very nervous. "You coming?" Daniel asks me softly. "Yeah it's just really high up and we know how bad I am at swimming." I ramble nervously.

"Don't worry, I got you.. plus there aren't any waves here so it's just like jumping into a pool." Daniel reassures me as he grabs my hand. "Okay thanks." I mumble as we start climbing.

"We can jump together the first time if you don't feel comfortable." Daniel says softly. I nod my head as we finally reach the top. "I'm yelling timber!" Jack screamed as he sprinted off the ledge.

I laughed as I took my cover up off leaving me in my swimsuit. I felt Daniels eyes scan my body in my swimsuit. I nervously cross my arms over my stomach as I felt insecure. "You look beautiful." Daniel whispers as he wraps his arms around me. "Bye bitch!" Candace yelled as she jumped in while holding Jonahs hand.

"Ready?" Daniel asked me as he squeezed my hand. I looked down at the water nervously as I realized how high up we were. I shake my head causing him to smile at me. "Take your time." He says softly. I take a deep breath but before I have time to jump I feel someone push both me and Daniel in. "Corbyn you asshole!" I scream as I fall down.

My body slams into the water and I quickly pop my head above the water and take a deep breath. My hand was still intertwined with Daniels. "That was crazy." Daniel says as he shakes the water out of his hair. I run a hand through my hair as I keep my body afloat.

I feel Daniels arms snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as we both laugh. "That asshole pushed us in." I say in disbelief causing Daniel to laugh. "We can push him in next time." Daniel reassures me as he stares into my eyes.

I felt my heart quicken as I realized the position we were in. Daniels eyes glanced down at my lips as he took a deep breath. I heard a scream and got splashed with water. I turned behind me and saw Corbyn laughing like an idiot. I let go of Daniel and swam towards Corbyn. I smacked Corbyns head causing him to groan. "Why did you hit me?" Corbyn asked me in disbelief.

"Because you pushed me in." I say sharply. He rolls his eyes as he swims away from me. I swim towards Daniel who was getting out of the water. He grabbed my hand and helped me get out of the water. "Chasity!!!!!!! There is a cute spot to take pictures!" Candace screams as she yanks me away from Daniel.

Daniel just laughs and shakes his head as he watches me and Candace. "What was that?" Candace squealed. "What was what?" I ask her in a confused tone.

"Don't play dumb. You guys were on top of each other in the water!" Candace says loudly. "It was nothing." I mumble.

"That wasn't nothing!" Candace yells. "Chastity!" Daniel yells.

"What?" I ask him as I walk over to him. "Hi." He says as he smiles at me.

I roll my eyes as I push him into the water. "Hey!" Daniel yells as he looks up at me. I laugh at him as he swam back to the edge. I sat down on the edge and dipped my feet in the water. Daniel swam in between my legs and pulled my body into the water causing me to scream. We both got out of the water and climbed back up the cliff.

Daniel jumped before me as he yelled causing me to giggle. "Come on baby!" Daniel screamed as he waited in the water for me. I took a deep breath as I jumped in the water after him. I landed beside him and we both had huge smiles on our faces.



liked by seaveydaniel, jonahmarais and 897 others chastitylouis no one:        Absolutely no one: jack Avery: IM YELLING TIMBER

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liked by seaveydaniel, jonahmarais and 897 others
chastitylouis no one: Absolutely no one:
Tagged: candaceriver
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jackaverymusic it's a banger 👏
14 min 177 likes Reply

seaveydaniel wow you didn't post the picture I was in 🥺
10 min 267 likes Reply

Wdwlover omg she hangs with all the boys I'm jelly!!! 😩
4 min 2 likes Reply

tea.com ewww who is this slut I hate her
5 min 0 likes Reply

candaceriver SEXYYYY QUEEN!!!!
10 min 4 likes Reply


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