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Daniels POV

My hands started shaking as I placed the heel of my hand at the center of her chest. I placed my other hand on top of my hand and started pressing down on her chest. I knew everyone's eyes were on me but I needed to focus. I nervously tried to remember what I was suppose to do. I pressed down 30 times on her chest. I tilted her beautiful, lifeless head gently and I lifted her chin up with two of my fingers. I got nervous as I stared at her colorless lips. It's not a kiss... she has no say in the matter. I pinched her nose and then placed my mouth on her mouth. I blew into her mouth and then quickly pulled away. Her chest started rising and I placed my lips on her again and blew air into her mouth. I then placed my hands back on her chest and pushed down 30 more times. I kept my eyes on her hoping she would wake up but she didn't. I pinched her nose again and placed my mouth on hers again. I blew into her mouth and then pulled away. She started coughing as she tried to sit up.

"Holy shit! Chastity!" Her friend yelled as she knelt down beside her. Chastity took deep breaths as she looked around frantically. She started coughing like crazy and shivering. I grabbed one of her towels and wrapped it around her. She was still shivering so I pulled her into a warm hug.

I could still feel her shivering but she seemed to calm down in my arms. "What.. what happened?" She stuttered as she coughed some more.

"You drowned but this hot guy saved your life!" Her friend said loudly. I felt a smile form on my face as she called me hot.

"The ambulance will be here any minute." Jonah said softly. "Thank you." Chastity whispered as she grabbed my hand.

"You saved me." She says softly as she stares into my eyes. "No problem." I whisper as I stare back at her.

She was so beautiful. Even though her hair was wet and her face was colorless I still found her stunning. I got nervous as she kept her eyes on me. I remembered I was hugging her and quickly pulled my arms away. I scratched my neck awkwardly as I looked up at the boys. They were all smiling at me and Corbyn winked at me. I felt my face get hot as I looked away from them.

"What's your name?" Chastity asked me. "Daniel." I reply softly as I turn to look at her.

She nodded as she coughed more water up. "Thank you Daniel." She says softly as she smiles at me. "Well I'm Candace and I'm single." Her friend said playfully causing me and the boys to laugh.

"You scared the shit out of me C. I don't know what I would do without you." Candace whispered as she hugged Chastity. I smiled at the two girls hugging.

"Thank you for saving her." Candace said softly. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I was shocked at first but I wrapped my arms around her too. "No problem." I mumble as she pulls away.

Candace then went back to hugging Chastity as Chastity continued to cough. "While we wait why don't you gorgeous men tell us your names." Candace said as she pointed to the rest of the guys.

We all laughed as we looked at her. She was bold I'll give her that. Chastity started laughing but then it immediately turned into a coughing fit. We all looked at her with concerned looks but she just shook her head. "I'm fine." She croaked out.

I knew she wasn't. She was probably scared and felt like trash. I rubbed her back reassuringly causing her to turn and smile at me. "I can't thank you enough." She said softly.

I just shrugged and turned my attention to the guys. "I'm Corbyn." Corbyn said causing Candace to wink at him. "I'm Bob." Zach said causing me to furrow my eye brows at him.

"He's lying he's Zach. I'm Jonah." Jonah said as Zach just laughed. "I'm jack." Jack said as Candace nodded.

We all turned our attention to the sound of sirens in the distance. "I feel so stupid. I'm 20 years old and I fricking drowned in the ocean." Chastity mumbled as she rested her head in her hands.

"A lot of people drown it's not your fault. The waves were really bad today." I whispered trying to make her feel better.

Yay he saved her 🥰🥳

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now