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Daniels POV

It was the last day in Hawaii and I had spent it with Chastity and the guys at the beach. We had to perform tonight and I was going to surprise Chastity with tickets to the concert. "What are you and Candace gonna do tonight?" I ask Chastity playfully. She was sitting on her towel on the beach.

"Probs just watch the sunset... I don't know." She mumbles in response. "Well.... how would you like to go to a concert tonight? I heard some dumb band was playing tonight." I say playfully.

A huge smile formed on her face as her mouth fell open. "Wait seriously? I get to see you guys perform?" She asks me in disbelief. "Yeah." I say as I smile at her.

She wraps her arms around me catching me by surprise but I immediately hug her back. "I could kiss you right now." She blurts causing my heart to start rapidly beating. "I mean... I didn't.... I'm gonna go tell Candace." She says awkwardly as she walks away from me.

I run a hand through my hair as I watch her squeal and jump up and down with Candace. A laugh leaves my mouth as I take into consideration how adorable she is. "What's it like performing?" Chastity asks me as she sits back down on her towel.

"It's insane. It's a huge amount of adrenaline and just hearing the crowd singing our songs.... it's the best feeling in the world." I explain to her as I think about performing. "Concerts are the best places. Just a bunch of people coming together to see one or more people perform." Chastity says softly.

"Yeah.. I get to do it practically every night." I say in disbelief. "Sounds like the perfect life." Chastity replies playfully.

"Yeah but then some nights I just wanna be home." I say softly. "Yeah... I would get homesick to." She says as she agrees with me.

"Daniel we gotta go." Corbyn tells me as he checks the time on his phone. "I'll text you the address and the time and I'll have a Uber pick you up." I tell Chastity as I grab my stuff.

"Okay... good luck I know your going to kill it tonight!" Chasity yells in an excited tone. "Thanks!" I yell back.

Me and the guys head to the venue. "I'm so nervous..... she gets to see me in my element tonight. I'm so pumped." I tell Corbyn. "And because you like her." Corbyn replies playfully.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask him. "Yeah... I'm not blind."Corbyn replies sarcastically.

"Dude you need to ask her out tho? We are gonna be on tour and she's gonna be in LA." Jonah tells me. "I don't know guys... we just met." I say nervously.

"And you already are falling so hard for her bro. I've never seen you like this. It's now or never you gotta shoot your shot." Zach tells me. "I don't know." I mumble as I run a hand through my hair.

"It's your choice bro. It's your last night with her for a long time." Jonah says softly. I nod my head as I think about Chastity. I really do like her but I don't want to rush anything.

Later that night

I was nervously standing back stage as I could the crowd chanting "WHY DONT WE". I knew Chastity was in the crowd and I made sure I got her front row tickets. I can't wait to show her everything me and the boys have worked so hard to do. The show starts and I run out on stage and the adrenaline takes in. I feel a smile rest on my face as I scan the first row. My smile gets bigger as my eyes land on Chasity. She was smiling and waving at me. I waved back at her as I winked at her causing her face to get red.

"What is up Honolulu!" I yell causing the crowd to scream. We start singing and I make sure to make direct eye contact with Chastity. She was completely focused on what I was singing and me. She wasn't looking at her phone, she was fully tuned into the show which I loved. I bent over into the crowd and grabbed her hand and sang to her. Her smile got bigger as she held my hand. I heard the girls screaming around her causing me to laugh. She was wearing a pretty blue dress and she looked stunning. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I saw her eyes widen at every dance move I did especially the body rolls.

"You got some moves!" She screamed at me as I walked near her. I laughed as I shook my head at her. The whole show felt surreal. The show ended and we took our bows and I blew a kiss at Chasity and she pretended to catch it with her hand causing me to laugh and smile even more at her. We walk off stage and me the guys all take off our clothes due to how hot we were.

"That was insane." I say as I try and catch my breath. "It was awesome." Corbyn says in disbelief.

"Wheres Chastity and Candace?" Jonah asks me. "Crap.. I didn't tell them to meet us anywhere. I'll text Chastity to meet us at the back door." I tell Jonah.

We all get dressed and walk out the back door. I immediately heard girls screaming. Chastity was in the crowd as the security guard pushed her back. "Hey she's with me." I tell him. He lets her through the gates and I pull her into a hug. I hear a million fans take pictures of us but I don't care. "You were incredible. Oh my gosh that was the best concert I have ever been to. And I'm not just saying that because I like you." She says playfully.

"Thanks. I'm glad you were able to see it!" I yell over the fans screaming. I realize she just admitted to liking me but she could have just meant as friends. The thought of her liking me back made my heart flutter.

Why did this take me so long to write omg 🤡

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now