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Daniels POV

I threw all my clothes into my suitcase as I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair.

"You okay?" Corbyn asked me softly. "Chastity basically told me this whole thing was just a little fling. I don't want this  to be just a fling." I rant to Corbyn.

"Well did you tell her that?" Corbyn asks me. "No... we just said goodbye and we hoped we would meet again." I mumble as my voice breaks.

"Why didn't you tell her that you didn't just want this to be a fling?" Corbyn asks me in disbelief. "She obviously doesn't see this going anywhere and that's fine." I reply sharply.

"I've seen the way she looks at you. She doesn't just want this to be some fling. She obviously wanted you to disagree with her." Corbyn tells me. "Even if you are right... it's to late." I mumble.

"It's never to late for love." Corbyn says with a cheesy ass grin. "Never utter that sentence again." I tell him playfully as a laugh leaves my lips.

I quickly grab my jacket and start heading out the door. "Where are you going?" Corbyn yells at me. "To go get the girl!" I yell back.

She wasn't in her room and I knew she was at the airport. Her plane was leaving in about thirty minutes but the airport wasn't far from the hotel. I sprinted down the stairs of the hotel and ran outside. I ran across the street nearly getting run over by a car. I ran into some random lady causing her to yell at me. "I'm sorry! I'm in love!" I yell as I feel bad for running intoher.

I continue to sprint towards the airport. I reach the airport completely out of breath but the thought of never seeing her again kept my adrenaline rushing. I ran inside the airport. I got yelled at by a million security guards as I sprinted through the metal detectors. I stopped running as I scanned the board with the lists of where certain planes were going to certain places. I noticed a heading that said LA and I quickly sprinted over to it. I scanned the line of people heading onto the plane but didn't see Chastity. I sigh in defeat as I realize I probably missed her. I sit down in a random seat as I rest my head in my hands. I missed my chance with her. Now she's gone.

"Of course you had to pee!" I hear a familiar voice yell causing me to lift my head up. My eyes landed on Chastity and Candace quickly walking towards me. Neither of them saw me as they continued to talk to each other. I quickly got up and walked over to them. "Daniel?" Chastity asked me in disbelief.

"This can't just be a fling... I don't want this to be just a fling... I really like you Chastity. Shit I love you... and I can't push away my feelings just because we aren't living in the same place right now. I don't know if you feel the same way but I needed to tell you this." I rant as I get even more out of breath. Her face gets red as she nervously plays with her fingers. "I can leave... if I made you uncomfortable... maybe you just saw this as a fling and I'm an idiot for saying I love you when I just met you..." I start to nervously ramble but Chastity shakes her head and places her lips on mine.

I was caught off guard at first but I immediately kissed her back. "Last call for the plane to LA!" A lady yelled causing us to break apart from kissing. "I don't want this to be a fling either. I love you too..." Chastity says quickly.

I sigh in relief as a huge smile forms on my face. "I have to go but I'll call you everyday." She reassures me as she grabs her luggage. I wrap my arms on her waist and pull her into one last kiss. "I'll make sure to fly you out to see me again and again." I reassure her.

She walks away from me and boards her plane to LA. I never thought some simple fling could lead to anything more.



liked by chastitylouis, candaceriver and 145,789 others seaveydaniel I can't wait to see you again ❤️Tagged: @chastitylouisView all 5,678 comments

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liked by chastitylouis, candaceriver and 145,789 others
seaveydaniel I can't wait to see you again ❤️
Tagged: @chastitylouis
View all 5,678 comments

chastitylouis I wouldn't want to spend my summer with anyone else 🥺
10 min 500 likes Reply

corbynbesson SHIP
3 min 1,567 likes Reply

wdwfans wtf!!!!! Who is that???? I ship tho!!
10 min 300 likes Reply

candaceriver so cute 😫
3 min 178 likes Reply

THIS IS THE END 😌🥰 thank you all sm for reading and check out my other stories if you want 😍😍

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now