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Chastity's POV

"Hurry up slowpoke." I tell Daniel as I run ahead of him. "I'm carrying my guitar!" He yells defensively as he tries to keep up with me. Me and Candace had decided that we wanted to have a bonfire on the beach and we invited  all the guys. My feet dug into the sand as I made sure I was ahead of Daniel.

I turned around to see him struggling to keep up as he had the guitar strung across his chest. "Come on pop star hurry up." I say playfully as I stop walking. He shook his head as a smile formed on his face. He wrapped his arm around my waist picking me up with one hand. I squealed as he carried me over to Candace.

He set me down on the ground as a laugh left his lips. "You guys have gotten closer." Candace whispers as she nudges my arm. "Shh." I whisper softly as I push her away.

"Help me start the fire!" Corbyn yelled at Daniel. Daniel set his guitar down in the sand as he made his way over to Corbyn. I watched him as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. He bit his lip as he focused on starting the fire. When he got the fire started his eyes darted over to meet mine. He sent me a smile as he motioned for me to come over to him. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Boy Scouts prepared me for this exact moment." Daniel says playfully causing me to laugh. "I never took Girl Scouts. Even if I did they would have only taught me how to sell cookies." I say playfully as I look over at him.

"But those cookies slap." Daniel says dramatically. "They were really good." I say as I agree with him.

"Now I want thin mints cookies." I mumble as I rest my head in my hands. "I'll go find a random Girl Scout and get them for you." Daniel says sarcastically as he places a kiss on my arm.

Corbyn sat down next to me and set his guitar on the ground. "I'm excited to hear you guys serenade us." Candace said playfully as she sat next to Jonah. "I almost forgot. I brought stuff to make s'mores." Daniel tells the whole group as he hands me a bag full of stuff.

"S'mores hit different when you roast them over a bonfire." I say softly as I keep my eyes on Daniel. "They are so good." He replies softly as his eyes stare into mine.

His blue eyes glowed against the fire as they were focused in on me. "Let's get the songs started. What should we start with?" Corbyn asked the whole group. "Acoustic WAP!" Candace yelled in an excited tone.

Everyone shakes there head as we all laugh. "I was thinking more soft songs." Daniel says as he laughs. Candace sighs as she glares at all of us. "Why don't you start with perfect by Ed Sheehan." I propose to the group.

They all nod as Daniel picks up his guitar. He started strumming to make sure it was in tune. He looked at the other guys to make sure they were ready and started playing the tune. A smile stayed stuck on my face as they all sang together. Their voices sounded amazing together and the way they harmonized was breathtaking. Daniel kept his eyes locked with mine the entire time as he sang to me. I looked down at his hands strumming the guitar and was struck by how talented he was.

"You two can sing along." Daniel told us as he gestured to me and Candace. I softly sang along causing a huge smile to form on Daniels face. I swayed back in forth in the sand as I sang along to the song. The next song they played was What am I. It got to Daniels part and he was singing alone. I listened to his beautiful voice causing my heart to flutter.

After a couple more songs the boys set down their guitars. Daniel wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Lets tell scary stories." Daniel says softly. "Oooo. I got one." Zach says in an excited tone.

He talked about a man being lost in the woods and coming across a house where a serial killer lived. I held onto Daniels hand tightly as I felt a little scared. "It's not real. I got you." He whispers as he places a kiss on my head. I took a deep breath as I focused on the sound of Daniels heart beating. It was beating pretty quickly. I tuned out whatever the heck Zach was saying as my eyes looked up at Daniel.

His eyes were focused on whatever Zach was saying. I noticed a smile form on his face as a pure laugh erupted from his lips. I watched as his face scrunched up in disgust at whatever the younger boy was telling him. I noticed him bite his lip as his eyes glanced down at me. I quickly moved my gaze away from him hoping he didn't notice me staring at him. He gently ran his hand through my hair as he rubbed my head gently.

I wish it was hot and I was at the beach - cause I'm freezing rn 😂

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