5| Coincidence

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Daniels POV

"Just text her already." Corbyn mumbled. I stared down at my phone. I had typed her number in but I hadn't sent the text yet. I was too nervous. "Come on hurry up I wanna go to the pool." Zach complained.

I sighed as I shoved my phone into my pocket. I would text her later. We went down the elevator. We started heading towards the pool when jack nudged my arm.

"What?" I asked as I turned to him. He pointed towards the pool. My eyes looked over to where he was pointing. My eyes landed on Chastity and Candace laughing. Chastity was wearing a yellow swimsuit and Candace was trying to take pictures of her. "Your girlfriends here." Zach said playfully causing me to shove him.

I smiled as I watched her laughing. "Come on daniel." Jonah mumbled as he grabbed my arm. I stopped staring at her and made my way over to the pool. We set our stuff down and I looked back over at her. Candace was looking at me as she whispered something to Chastity. Chastity immediately looked over at me and smiled. I waved at her and she waved back.

I could still feel her eyes on me as I took my shirt off. I did a front flip into the pool. I shook the water out of my hair as I looked over at her. "Show off!" She yelled as she laughed. She ran to the side of the pool and jumped in next to me.

"Are you following me?" Chastity asked me playfully. "No. I thought you were following me." I reply with a grin. She looked absolutely stunning in her swimsuit. I saw her face get red as she stared at me.

"Hey boys." Candace said playfully as she jumped in. The rest of the guys jumped in the water. "Hello ladies." Jonah said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Let's play a game." Zach said playfully. "Have you ever played star." Chasity said with a big smile on her face.

"I don't think I have." I say as I stare down at her. "Well basically you say the first letters of the title of a movie and the other people have to guess the movie. The people guessing have to swim across the pool and tag the person and then they can guess. If they guess wrong they have to go all the way back and then they can guess again." She explains as we all listen to her closely.

"Sounds fun. I'll be it." Zach says with a grin. He stands on the other side of the pool while the rest of us stand on the other side. I stand next to Chastity. "Everybody has to have their hand on the wall." Chastity explains.

We all put our hands on the wall and my hand accidentally lands on top of Chastitys. "I'm sorry." I mumble as I feel my face get hot. I remove my hand from hers. "It's okay." She mumbles as she smiles at me.

"Okay! M. O!" Zach yells. I give Chastity a confused look. "I have no clue." She mumbles as she bites her lip as she thinks. She's so cute. "I think he's dumb and he doesn't know how to spell." I whisper to Chastity causing her to laugh.

Her laugh was so adorable. Nobody can seem to figure the movie out as we all stay on the wall. Chasity starts swimming towards Zach and I quickly follow behind her. "Are you dumb?" She yells at Zach. Zach just laughs as she gets closer to him. I grab chastity's leg right as she's about to touch Zach and I pull her backwards. "Cheater!" She squeals.

I laugh as I arrive to Zach first. "Is it monsters university?" I ask him. "Yes." He says causing every one to scream at him.

"It's spelled with a U Dumbass!" Corbyn yelled at him. "Daniel cheated." Chasity mumbled as she shoved me.

"Sometimes you just gotta do whatever it takes to win." I say as I wink at her. She rolls her eyes as she swims back to the other side. "I knew it was a U." Zach says as he starts dying of laughter.

Everyone gets back on the wall and I try and think of a movie. My eyes flicker to Chastity and I think of how she looks like a princess. "Oh okay. B. A. B." I yell so everyone can hear me. They all stay on the wall as they try and think. Chastitys face lights up and she starts swimming towards me. She touches my chest in order to tag me. The single touch sends chills through my body. "Beauty and the Beast." She says as she is out of breath.

"Correct." I say as I smile down at her. Everyone else groans. "I feel dumb!" Jack yells in frustration.

My head hurts so bad and this part isn't that great but the next one will be better😂

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now