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Chastity's POV

"Wake up sunshine." A male voice whispered as they shook my body slightly. "Go away dad." I groaned as I threw my pillow at him.

"Did she just call you dad?" Another male voice said as a laugh left his lips. "Shut up." A familiar voice whispered.

I opened my eyes slowly and realized it was Daniel and Corbyn. I quickly pulled the cover over my face causing Daniel to laugh. "Isn't she just the cutest." Daniel says to Corbyn. I feel the weight of the bed shift as Daniel sits next to me.

I take in his familiar scent as he removed the cover off of me. "There's her beautiful face." Daniel says softly. I quickly cover my face with my hands knowing I definitely look ugly due to it being early. "What time is it?" I groaned as my voice sounded tired.

"5:00 am." Daniel says in an excited voice. "You have got to be kidding me... get out of my room." I reply sharply.

Daniels laugh rang through the room as he gently rubbed my back with his hand. "We are going hiking." He says in a happy tone. "Actually no." I mumble as I hide my head under the pillow.

I feel two arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. "Seavey!" I scream as he carries me to the bathroom. "Come on we are in Hawaii! Imagine the view you are gonna get... it's a once in a lifetime experience." Daniel tells me as he sets me down in the bathroom.

I sigh as I nod my head. I look at myself in the mirror and quickly cover my face. "Hey... your stunning... you look beautiful right now." Daniel reassures me as he places a kiss on the top of my head. "Thank you. Now get out so I can get dressed." I tell him.

He puts his hands up in surrender as he walks out of the bathroom with a smile plastered on his face. I quickly get dressed and don't do any makeup because I was to lazy plus Daniel made me feel confident in how I looked. I walked out of the bathroom where Corbyn and Daniel were waiting for me on my bed.

"Are you ready?" Daniel asked me softly. "Is she coming?" I asked them as I pointed at a passed out Candace.

"We tried to wake her up but she bit me." Corbyn says as a laugh leaves his mouth. I laugh as I shake my head. "Yeah we better just leave her." I say as we walk past her bed.

We all headed down to the lobby. "Where's the other guys?" I asked them as I looked around. "Jonah's grabbing a coffee but he will be here and the other two are sound asleep." Daniel explains as we laugh.

Jonah met up with us and we all got a ride to the hiking trail. No one else was near the trail as we all hopped out of the car. "You look really cute today." Daniel tells me as he grabs my hand. I feel my face get hot as I nudged his arm. "You always look good Seavey." I tell him as I look up at him.

He was wearing a white tank top that showed off his arms and he had a red beanie on. "Thank you." He replies softly. We both start walking along the trail with Corbyn and Jonah behind us. I started walking and realized how tired I really was. "If I fall asleep...wake me up." I tell Daniel playfully causing him to laugh.

"Look at everything around us... it's so peaceful and beautiful." Daniel says softly as he looks around in amazement. I take in everything around me and smile at how beautiful everything was. "There's nothing like this in LA that's for sure." I say playfully as I look over at Daniel.

His crystal blue eyes were already on me as he nodded his head. He squeezed my hand as we continued to walk up the trail. We came to a very steep part. "I'll go first and then help you." Daniel told me as he walks ahead.

He reached his hand down towards me and helped me walk up the steep area safely. He pulled me towards him and I practically fell into his body but he kept my body steady with his hands. "I gotcha." He reassured me as he held my body close to his.

"Daniel wanna help me?" Corbyn said in a girly voice causing Daniel to roll his eyes. Daniel gently put his hands on my waist to push my body to the side of his so we could continue to walk forward. Every slight touch from Daniel sent chills and butterflies through my body.

We were very close to the top but my legs were very tired so I started to slow down. I continued to listen to Daniel telling me all about his home town but he could tell I was tired. "Hey wanna get on my back?" He asked me with a grin. "No your probably tired to." I reply sharply.

"I'm fine." He says as he bends over. I sigh as I get on his back. My legs were relieved to have a break and my heart was beating quickly in response to being this close to Daniel. We finally arrived at the top and Daniel set me down. We all took in the view in amazement. I noticed Daniels eyes on me as I looked around.

"This was totally worth it." I say as I smile at him. "Yes it was." He says as he wraps his arm around me and pulls me into a side hug.

"Don't be shy....kiss." Corbyn tells us causing Daniel to hit Corbyn in the head.

Lmao Corbyn just be doing gods work 💀

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now