15| Chemistry

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Daniels POV

"Daniel slept in his girlfriends bed last night!" Jonah announces to every one as we walk into our hotel room. "Shit." Zach mumbled as he pulled out a fiver dollar bill and handed it to Jack.

"You guys bet on me and Chastity?" I ask them in disbelief. "He bet that you guys would be dating before the trip ended." Zach says softly.

"We aren't dating. I've told you guys a million times we are just friends." I say sharply. "Who knew friends slept in the same bed together." Corbyn says playfully causing me to glare at him.

"She felt sick and I was comforting her." I say defensively. "Oh Daniel... I feel sick which means you have to sleep in my bed with me and touch me inappropriately." Zach says in a girly voice as he attempts to mimic Chastity.

I give him a death glare as I stand up and walk over to him. I grab his head and shove it into the couch as he laughs his ass off. "She doesn't sound like that and she doesn't say stuff like that." I tell them all in a sharp tone.

Corbyn puts his arms up in surrender as he starts laughing. "We are just giving you a hard time because we've never seen you this in love with someone." Jonah says softly. I sigh as I grab my swim trunks from my suitcase. "I really like her.. and I don't want to mess this up. If any of you says a word to her about this I will kill you all." I say sharply as I enter the bathroom.

"Oh Daniel... give me mouth to mouth again!" Zach screamed in a girly voice. I roll my eyes as I got dressed.

Once we were all dressed we all headed down to the lobby. I was wearing a white tank top with black swim trunks. I scrolled through my phone as we waited for the girls to arrive. I felt Corbyn nudge my arm causing me to look up. My eyes landed on Chasity as she walked towards us with a huge grin on her face. She was wearing a purple swim suit cover up that looked like a dress over her pink swimsuit. She had black sunglasses rested on her head that were slightly tangled in her hair. She looked so beautiful.

"You ladies ready to go?" Corbyn asked them in a smooth tone. "Sure." Candace replies as she sends him a wink.

"Hey." Chasity says softly as she walks beside me. "Hey. How you feeling?" I ask her as I stare down at her.

"A lot better thanks to you. You are literally my life savor Daniel." She says as she smiles at me. "It's no biggie." I reply softly.

We all pile into the huge minivan. Me and Chastity sat in the back. Chastity sat in between me and Zach. "Chastity..........." Zach said playfully as he sent me a wink. I groaned as I had no idea what would come out of that boys mouth.

"Whatttttt?" Chastity replied as she laughed at him. "Would you let Daniel hit it for free?" Zach says as he laughs.

The second the words left his mouth I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. "Someone has a little to much sugar today." I say nervously as I look over at Chastity. Her mouth was held a little open as her face got red. She shook her head as she laughed off the awkward moment.

"I would let him hit it for free!" Candace yelled causing Chastity to send her a concerned look. "I'm kidding." Candace mumbles as she sinks down in her chair.

Zach bit my hand causing me to pull my hand away. "Weirdo." I mumble as I stare at the bite mark. "Chastity. You didn't answer my question." Zach says as he stares at me and continues to laugh his ass off.

"Yeah cause it made her uncomfortable so shut the hell up." I say sharply. "Have you ever been Cliff Diving?" Chastity asks me as she completely ignores Zachs question.

"Yeah, a year ago on another tour. What about you?" I ask her softly. "This will be my first time." She says in an excited tone.

"Chastity." Zach says as he pokes her shoulder. She ignores him and pretends like he isn't there causing him to frown. "Oh my gosh I haven't even gone swimming in the ocean since I drowned." Chastity says nervously.

I gently grab her hand and give it a soft squeeze. "You will be fine and I'll be there if you need me." I reassure her.

Her eyes meet mine and I get lost in her beauty. "I'm gonna throw up!" Zach announced to the entire car. "Are you car sick?" Jack asked him in a concerned voice.

"No. Chastity and Daniel are gross!" Zach yells causing me to unlock eyes with her. "Well you are annoying." Chastity tells him in a baby voice.

"You are more annoying." Zach replies in a high pitched voice. I sigh as I turn away from the two of them and stare out the window. I feel a hand run through my hand causing me to turn my attention to Chastity. "I love your hair." She says as she stares at it with wonder in her eyes.

"Thanks.. I think." I say causing us both to laugh.

Why do I actually have a lot homework like- excuse me - don't my teachers understand I need to write Wattpad 💀😂

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now