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Daniels POV

"Jeesh how many things can I trip over." Chastity mumbled as she fumbled down the trail. I laughed as I grabbed her hand as she walked beside me. I felt her hold onto my hand for dear life as she slipped on a twig. "Oh my gosh." I mumbled as a laugh left my mouth.

I held her body up with one hand in order for her to not fall. I used my other hand to put her body back in a standing position. "You are a mess." I tell her as I shake my head. "I know...I think I forgot how to walk." She replies playfully as she laughs.

I feel a smile say stuck on my face as we continue to walk down the trail. I couldn't help but smile when I'm around her, she just makes me so happy. I wasn't paying attention but I felt her body start to fall again and I quickly went to grab her by her waist. I caught her right before she fell. "I can't!" She yelled as she laughed. My hands were still around her waist as her eyes met mine. "Is there something slippery on your shoe or something?" I asked her sarcastically.

She smacked my arm as she shook her head. I helped her stand back up and we slowly started walking again. "My mom use to love nature." Chastity says quietly. "I mean what's not to love." I reply softly as I look down at her.

She nods her head as she looks up at me. The second our eyes meet we both quickly look away. "Raise you to the bottom." Chastity yelled as she let go of my hand and started running ahead of me. "Hey...you got an earlier start!" I yell as I chase after her.

We both run past Corbyn and Jonah nearly knocking them over. I heard her contagious laugh ahead of me causing me to laugh as I started to catch up to her. I playfully nudged her arm as I passed her. "You gotta be quicker than that!" I yell playfully causing us both to start dying of laughter. I looked back at her and I noticed her body starting to fall. I tried to make it to her in time but I was way ahead of her. Her body slammed onto the ground. I quickly knelt beside her.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" I ask her softly as I examine her body for any wounds. She just laughed as she nodded her head. I looked down at her knee and noticed it was all cut up and bleeding. "Oof that looks like it hurts." I say softly as I stare at her wound.

"It's fine." She mumbles as she tries to stand up but winces in pain. I took off my shirt and ripped it and wrapped it around her leg to stop the bleeding. Her eyes landed on my chest and her eyes widened. I felt a smile form on my face as I winked at her. "Like what you see?" I ask her playfully as I tie up her wound.

She shakes her head as her face gets red as she stares down at her leg. "We are almost to the bottom I can make it." She reassures me. She uses my arm to support her and help her stand up but her body was wobbly. "Im carrying you." I tell her as I pick her up and hold her in my arms.

"You didn't even give me a choice?" She says in disbelief. "Nope." I reply playfully as a laugh leaves my lips.

I carry her down the rest of the way. I loved the feeling of her body in my arms but I felt horrible for her because she was injured. "This kinda reminds me of when I drowned." She says playfully. "Ummm.... that's dark." I say as a laugh leaves my mouth.

"No.. I mean like you always seem to save me." She says softly as she stares at me. She quickly takes off my hat and puts it on her head. "Hey put it back." I tell her but she just laughs.

"Awwww you got hat hair." She says softly as she runs her hand through my messy hair. "Put my hat back on." I say as I look down at her.

She looked so adorable with my hat on as she shook her head. "But I like it." She said as she pouted her lip at me. "Fine you can wear it." I mumble as I give in.

Her smile got bigger as she continued to run her hands through my hair. "Stop that." I mumble as I shake my head. "Why?" She asks me softly.

Because it's adorable and I don't wanna fall for you. "It feels weird." I say causing her to laugh. "Like a good weird or a weird weird?" She asks me curiously.

"Like a good weird but it's weird." I say not even sure if she understood what I said. "Dang your arms are huge." She mumbles in disbelief as she touched my bicep.

"Thanks." I say unsure of how to respond. "Dang look at that water fall." Chastity mumbled in disbelief as she pointed to the right of me.

We took a slightly different route down so we didn't see it before. "Lets go over to it." She told me as she pointed at it like she was a little child.

Daniel shirtless 🥵

*Summer Fling *  Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now