A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
A shadow looms over the Republic. The Clone Wars have torn a rift across the Galaxy, its populace weak in allegiance and resolve. In the midst of this destructive conflict, the Jedi Knights lead the armies of the Republic in the Outer Rim Sieges with hopes to ending the war. On the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, a Jedi Knight by the name of Stendhal fights a battle in an effort to drive the Separatists off the planet, unaware that a plot had been set in motion...
Star Wars: Dark Jedi (Star Wars X My Hero Academia)
ActionOrder 66 has changed everything. As Jedi are slaughtered all across the Galaxy, one has managed to cheat fate. After surviving Order 66, Jedi Knight Stendhal retreats to the far reaches of the Galaxy where he struggles with the pull of the Dark Side...