Chapter 3

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-"I wasn't thinking at all honestly. I just wanted to know what had happened to my sister," and tears started to form in my eyes threatening to fall at any second now.

At this sight, Brenn's heart softned, and he leaned in closer to wipe the tear that refused to be held back. When his hand touched my cheek, I flinched, but then relaxed and lost myself to the heat his palm rendered. I couldn't asses what I was feeling.

He backed away and tenderly spoke, "okay, but I still need the paper back, or we'll both be in trouble."

I parted my lips as if I were to object, but I ended up handing him the paper. Since I didn't have any pockets in my dress, I hid the white scrape in my brassiere, and my perfume stuck on it.

When he got hold of it, the scent of sour soapy vanilla hit him, and he seemed to be enjoying it as his long whiff lingered.

Once he noticed his reaction, he suddenly stepped back, shook his head in a goodbye motion and silently disappeared leaving me there, standing still, in a very confused state.

After I broke the feeling away, I ran back inside the house where the same scene kept ongoing.

The sun fell down, and I couldn't help but remember how much Helena loved to watch the nightsky.

My mother, for the first time since yesterday night, stopped crying frantically. She just sat there curled up on herself with a piece of cloth that belonged to Helena, hugging it tight to her chest and rocking back and forth.

Suddenly a loud bang on the door disturbed the deafening silence, and the door broke loose as my father barged in with a very evil grinn on his lips and a flash of hatred in his eyes.

I heard noises from behind him and a large commotion was starting. I leaned to the window only to notice that the men were holding captive a young male who seemed fairly recognizable anymore. His face was covered in blood, and one of his eyes was forced shut due to the swelling that submerged after a couple of herculean blows. 

My mind shut down, and I couldn't understand what was happening, but then I recalled what I had read earlier today and a knot in my throat started to form. It was him. He fit in the description. Tall, average weight, young age.

I almost leaped out of the window ready to attack him, but my father held me by my waist and lifted me in the air. I couldn't care less that I was flying. I went around kicking in every direction possible, but then he hugged me tight, and I felt the vibrations coming from his chest as if he was crying silently, and I halted.

The sound of angry men started rising, and it caught my mothers attention; however, before we could stop her she ran out, almost tripping and breaking every bone in her delicate body.

At her sight was her daughter's murderer. Everybody quieted down, and we followed her out hurriely. Unaware of what her reaction might be, the crowds stood still. Everyone expected her to scream, yell, hit him even. But she did none of those. She leaned closer to him and slowly spoke in a low tone, "I am not going to ask you why. I'm just here to remind you that living with what you've done is punishment enough."

Her calm words made him fidgit in his place, and that surprised look wouldn't leave his face. I glanced at her with utter disbelief and a hint of proudness; however, a very uneased voice brought me back to reality. It was too painful to hear his voice. The audacity on that animal.

-"I...I didnt! What's happening," and then he let out a soft dead sigh, "Helena..."

Gasps of surprise shot amongst the crowds. I walked towards him slowly, more, and grabed a handful of his hair shaking his head brutally so that his eyes met mine, and gave him what he'd just earned himself. A very savage kick in the groins, and then spoke with a very poisonous voice, "do not ever allow yourself to mention her again you worthless animal."

As soon as I let go of him, the men carried on their quest of delivering him to the police station. My mother stood there half catatonic as she watched the crowds sway away under the moon. I led her inside the house whilst trying to make her say anything, but nothing came out of her bright prune lips. Only tears stained her once beautiful rosy cheeks. I tucked her in her bed, but she started screaming and luniticaly ran away and entered our room.

She jumped pathetically on Helena's bed and held on to the covers. I did not say a word, instead I sat beside her and chanted the only song that once made Helena fall asleep.

After I made sure she was finally asleep and resting, I let my mind wander off, and I reasoned. The young guy they had caputred did fit the description; however, they did not know that. How on earth did they find him?

For the next twenty minutes, that question roamed in my mind, and I couldn't hold back my curiosity anymore. I had to find out.

As I stoop up, it hit me that I couldn't just leave my mother alone, so I scrambled hurrily to our good neighbor next door misses Schmidt and pleaded for her to accompany my mother in my abscence. With her acceptance, I found my feet leading me automatically towards the police station.

The wind was howling softly and teasing my bare face. A cold breeze raced with me along the way, and then I stoped. It was 11:05 pm, and I couldn't run no more. Thankfully, my feet got me were I wanted, and I stared at the big white double door trying to catch my breath.

I stood there summoning some power to open the door, when suddenly it unfolded with a brisk push, and I saw none other  than Brenn standing there, surprised to see me here at this late hour all by myself. As he opened the door the wind tackled his face gently offering an escape to a loose hair strand. The copper brown piece landed just above his soulful piercing blue eyes, carressing his forhead on its way down. The moonlight gave away a special glimmer to his eyes and highlighted his face, emphasizing on his sharply strong jawline. His light stubble marked his manliness, framing his full face, which in the centre contained a nose that from the looks of it, might have been broken a couple of times; however, the rough look made his face even more perfect.

It took him only two steps to reach me, and he glared at me giving nothing away. It was the first time I had noticed how taller than me he actually was; I'm guessing around 6'25" since I dwarfed under his muscled body. Something dark flashed in his eye and his melodic voice hit me like a stonewall.

-"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

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