Chapter 19

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The rays of sun defied the power of the light blue curtain that hung above the big glass window across from my bed. It hit my face waking me up gently. My eyes briskly fluttered open at the memories of last night, and I made an attempt to sit straight on my bed, but every muscle in my body protested agaisnt it. Pain was very minimal next to what I was feeling on the inside. Terrified of the confrontations to come, I forced my weak body to stand and I got dressed. The house was awefully quiet and  shrills of fear tantalised my beaten spine. I decided that I wasn't going to linger around this house, who knows what else could happen, and, in a moment of clarity, I left.

Why did this place offer me such comfort and relief? Was it the place itself or the memories it held that helped sedate my emotions and numb my bruised heart? Hours shrink to minutes when you allow your mind to wander off, and I caught myself feeling slightly cold as the white moon surfaced.

"Good God Emily!"

My neck snapped towards the source faster than lightning as my mind registered the sweet but husky voice laced with concern and love.

Short and shallow gasps escaped the most beautiful lips I have ever seen and the only soft ones that have ever crissened mine. I stumbled in my hurry to get up and meet the man I love halfway, but my sore body failed me again, and I staggered into his protective embrace. A stray tear lined my jaw and I felt his soft thumb wipe it away and caressing my cheeck. 

"I..I," I couldn't form the words properly

"I was looking everywhere for you Emily! I'm so glad I've found you, I've missed you Emily."

That's when I started sobbing uncontrolably. 

"I'm so sorry..I really..I really didn't mean to," the last part came out as a whisper, but he heard it quite well.

"What are you talking about cupcake?"

I haven't laid eyes on him as I burried my face in his soft chest, and I didn't want to. I couldn't bare looking him in the eyes after my shameful act. I wanted this man with every fiber of my being and I was risking losing him by telling him about my encounter with Kroos. Was it really worth it?  

"How did you find me?" I managed to voice out.

"I came to your house as soon as I arrived and you weren't there. I looked for you everywhere like a mad man, and no one had seen you! Do you know how much you scared me? I was going insane Emily," he scolded with fear visible in his tone.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing! What are you even apologizing for?" He sounded confused and angry, "what happened? Why do I feel like something bad happened? I swear to god if someone laid hands on you, they're going to wish they died in Hitler's fires."

The bitter giggle mixed with irony that escaped my trembling lips sent him into a more confused state.

"Emily, tell me what hapenned. Now."

I couldn't believe what I was going to tell him, but I had to protect him from himself, and more importantly myself. I untangled myself from his hold, whiped the tears with the back of my hand and looked away from him.

"Leave Brenn. Please just..leave. I'm not good for you. I'm not good enough."

"What the hell are you talking about> Emily, I can't leave like that. After all we've been through, I won't leave like that. You at least owe me a reasonable explanation."

I did what I do best and kept my mouth shut. His words strangled me, "Do you know why I won't even think about leaving you cupcake?" His hands made their way to my face and cupped my cheeks, "because I've made a promise that I never will, no matter what!"

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