Chapter 5

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I went in not knowing what to expect. I felt sorry for hitting the young guy earlier, but did I really?

He was sitting on a chair still under the effect of what had happened to him earlier. His eye was still shut; however, he managed to take a look at me through the other.

Weakily enough he said, "Helena?"

I was about to correct him but my constricted throat did not allow me, so I simply nodded in approval.

-"Why did you bail on me tonight sweetheart? I was worried sick." His voice was husky.


He interrupted my stutturing words and added, "you always showed up, Helena. Where were you? I took the earlier train to see you this time."

-"My name is Emily," I said with a sob trying to control myself, "Im Helena's sister."

He stood up and came closer to me. He was a few inches away from me. As he opened his mouth to speak, the door flew open, and Brenn barged in with a threatening look on his face.

-"Slowly step away from her."

I shouted in exclamation, "Brenn!"

He looked at me impassively and turned his warning gaze to the young guy.

-"I..I'm sorry. I couldn't see clearly, and you just look so much like Helena," he said while a tear made way from his good eye, "now I can see that you''re not her. You look awefully similar though."

-"How do you know my sister?" I asked suspiciously.

I averted my eyes to Brenn as his voice shook me to my core.

"You can finish being acquainted once mister Kroos Durm is sitting over there far enough from you."

I looked at him ready to launch a punch at his manly figure and whispered, "what the hell is wrong with you?! He didn't do anything."

-"I'm not taking any chances. What if he hurts you in some way?"

-"What way? He's not armed and clearly bruised enough!"

-"What if he made a pass at you?"

-"Seriously, a pass? How dangerous could that be? I'm pretty sure his words aren't going to tug my hands behind my back and tackle me. Hold me Brenn; I'm scared! Oh, hold me," I said with enough sarcasm in my singing tone for him to fume with madness.

He reached out for me on an arm's length, but I hopped back surprised by his bold gesture. As I was hoppping back, his hand slightly brushed against my breast and my eyes flicked wide open with alarm. Brenn felt conscious about what just happened and tried to hide his grinn.

I looked at him harshly and whisper yelled, "you're trying to protect me from a pass while you're clearly the one I need protection from!"

He stuttered before answering me, "it was an honest mistake; trust me," trying to defend himself.

-"And you really expect me to believe that? Oh, I'm the pretty officer Brenn; I'm so hot and smart girls swoon under my gaze!"

-"Honey, trust me, if it was on purpose, I would have touched a lot more, and you wouldn't have hopped."

I gasped in shock at his vile answer and stared at Kroos remembering he was with us in the room.

Kroos limped back to his seat. His leg must be really injured as he winced with every step.

-"Helena and I go way back, but I'm not giving any more away until you tell me where she is."

 I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as Brenn took over the conversation.

-"Mr. Durm you're the one in questionning here, so I suggest you start talking. The earlier we finish the better."

-"WHERE'S HELENA?!" His lound scream scared me, and I backed away until my body hit Brenn's muscular figure. He reached for me and tucked me behind him.

-"Helena's dead," Brenn shouted back.

Kroos looked at him in disbelief, then it hit him..the sudden realization of truth hit him.

I thought he was going to throw a hissy-fit, but instead he looked at me with compassion in his eyes as if consoling me. I gave him one in return.

-"Start talking," said Brenn with a serious tone.

-"I...I...I love her, and she loves me..or should I say she loved me."

-"My sister has never mentioned you," I replied drily.

-"I know, but she has mentioned you; in fact, she told me stories about your entire family, your town, everything. We decided to keep us a secret mostly because we live miles away, and our families would never approve of what we had. I was one of the boys who came to your town loading and unloading construction material to help rebuild what was destroyed in the war. We met at the well, and eversince, every week, I'd take the same train, on the same day, at the same time to meet my beloved at the same spot."

-"And I assume you're rendezvous was supposed to happen today? That's why you were at the well," interrogated Brenn.

Kroos shook his head with a nonchalant movement displaying his approval.

-"Why didn't you defend yourself?" I asked curiously.

-"Try speaking with a hundred men attacking you. I tried reasoning, but they wouldn't listen"

Brenn nodded in comprehension and said, "I don't know what makes me so sure, but I believe your story. Unfortunately, we can't just let you go, we're going to have to keep you here until we have a certain acquittal."

-"I understand," replied Kroos with a tone of acceptance.

I waited for Brenn in his unusually large office while he accompanied Kroos to one of the cells. Shortly after, he came back with a look of relief on his face.

-"Let's go, we should get you home."

-"You don't have to escort me," I replied, trying to make a statement, but deep inside hoping that he will ignore it.

-"Do you realize what has just happened?"

I gave him a confused look.

He continued, "Kroos is not the guy, which means that the criminal is still out there."

-"Do you believe him?"

-"Yes, I guess I do. There's something about the way he tells his story that makes it hard not to believe."

-"Kind of romantic, isn't it?" I replied while a sad grin mounted my face.

-"I'd say misfortunate," and he grabbed his coat and offered me his hand. I politely accepted it and he helped me get off the old couch.

I was praying that I would get home in time before my father gets back, and luckily I caught a glimpse of him while I was exiting the police station. Brenn reasured me that he was going to stay there for a while. Quite the gentleman, Brenn. He held the station door open for me while I made my way out, never letting go of his strong grip.

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