Chapter 11

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A/N: The last chapter, and unfortunately this one, are short chapters.

Everything seemed normal in the next four days. Mom made us three meals every day, Kroos helped my father around the bakery and Lars, well he was not doing much, but he seemed at ease. Everyone was ok and busy with something, except for myself. I felt empty. I hadn't seen Brenn since the last time at the police station. As much as I hated to admit it, I was starting to miss him. 

After I had sent mom and Lars over to the bakery to get more bread and blueberry cupcakes -mom's favorite-, and asked Kroos to chuck the wood piled up infront of the barn since he wasn't needed at the bakery that day, I started washing the dishes. 

I could easily see Kroos from the kitchen's window, naked from the torso, sweat dripping down his body. I understood what my sister saw in him. 

As I was checking him out, Brenn's voice startled me, "Quite the body he has. Isn't it a nice body?"

-"Brenn! How did you get in?! You scared me!" 

-"The question is, why are you looking at him? Or better yet, why is he naked? Why were you stratled? Were you doing something you weren't supposed to be doing?" He quirked his eyebrow in Kroos' direction.

-"One question at a time, please. He is chopping some wood, he must have felt hot or something. I don't know. Why are you questioning me?" I couldn't help but giggle amusingly, "Is officer Hitzig jealous?" I said with a melodious tone.

-"No! Why would I be jealous of that?" he huffed.

I burst into laughter. I Removed my hands from the sink and went over to him. Water tickled my skin and dripped over my elbows. I lifted my wet hands and gently placed them on Brenn's neck crossing my fingers from behind.

-"Why wouldn't you be jealous? I mean, look at that well-built body."

He flashed me his 100-watt smile and replied equally teasing while circling my waist, "Well, if you would had let me show you mine, your hands won't be the only thing that's wet."

His answer ambushed me, and my mouth dropped open and let loose a light moan.

As if on cue, the front door opened. My mother and her little companion made their way to the kitchen forcing me to step away from my Brenn.

My mother smiled at me and turned her well clad body to Brenn.

-"Oh hello. I'm Katelyne, Emily's mother."

-"It's an honour to meet you Mrs. Levi. I'm officer Brenn Hitzig."

-"Can we be of any help, officer?" My mother asked slightly worried.

-"It's nothing, I was  just here checking on Emily. Kroos and Lars aswell."

Just like any other mother and good housewife, she insited on serving us coffee and cupcakes.

The steam rising from the ridiculously hot cup of coffee relatively increased the redness on my face. I could feel Brenn's eyes falling on me as I nibbled on my cupcake. Feeling very conscious about this, I stood up and addressed Brenn.

-"Brenn, can I have a word with you please? Outside."

Very politely, Brenn excused himself and followed me. He gave Kroos a demeaning look from the corner of his eye, but luckily Kroos was still busy chopping the wood.

-"I was thinking about something last night," I shot at Brenn who was giving me an interesting look.

-"What was it?" He intrusively asked.

-"Remember when Kroos said that I fit the victim's profile? Well, I should be the next victim, or at least that's what I hope for."

-"Have you completely lost your mind? Are you insane?" He shouted at me.

-"Smart, not insane," I replied calmly. "I'm not willingly going to offer my body to that maniac."

-"Damn right you're not! You're not going to offer your body to anyone," he kept yelling.

-"Would you calm down and hear me out please? No one is going to touch my body. I'm the bait."

-"The what?" He asked puzzled.

-"The bait. I'll go lurking around the well, and since I fit the profile he will come after me, of course, not from the first time, but after several attempts he will. I'm going to need your help since the well is a restricted area. Once the killer approaches me, your men will be there to catch him."

-"We have already took all the actions necessary: the well is restricted, every female who fits the profile of the victims has been warned. This is a trained killer Emily who was basically brainwashed in Nazi camps; he is not going to kill while knowing that he is being watched. We don't need your brainstorming ideas," he paused for a second, "why am I even discussing this with you when there's not even a tiny possibility that I'm letting you do this?"

-"Breenn!" I said trying to change his mind.

-"No way, Emily! This is a very unnecessary and irrational plan."

I opened my mouth to object, but he mouthed to me, "Don't."

He fled our conversation and went back inside. As he was walking back he shouted at me, "There are guards around the well so don't you even think about doing this all by yourself."

I groaned in frustration and went back inside.

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