Chapter 6

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We strolled on our way back. I guess neither of us wanted to get there fast. At least, I didn't. The rain shower stopped a while ago, and the sky was clear. I could easily see the full shape of the moon, and something tugged inside my chest. Brenn finally broke the silence.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about everything," he said with remorce.

His genuine compassion liberated the tears that I was trying so hard to pull back. He looked at me softly, and without another word, he pulled me into his chest. His warm chest radiated the right amount of heat for me to feel safe and comfortable. 

-"Everything is going to be ok. I'll make sure of it."

I looked up at him with bloodshot wet eyes and said calmly, "never make promises you won't be able to keep. It hurts more like that."

-"But I do intend to keep my promise. Everything will be alright, Emily."

Once again, I felt comfort in hearing my name. The more I fought harder not to fall for him, the harder I fell. It was impossible, I wasn't going to let my blinded heart commit the same mistake as my sister. Look what love did to her. It was her reaper. She's dead and away from me.

 We walked silently the rest of the road. He tried to hold my hand, but I pulled away scared form the tingles that shot through my body at his touch. A while later, tiredness took over me, and I couldn't help but lean my head on his chest while his hands brushed my ginger hair. 

When we got home, we stood staring at each other next to the door not knowing what to say then he took the initiative and said with a calm and caring voice, "I'll check up on you when I can." 

I nodded. He leaned in to caress my cheek, but I backed away instantly. He made a shy gesture and left. 

Deep inside my heart, I was thrilled about seeing him again and frightened at the same time. My mind kept convincing me those were empty promises. I went inside thinking about him, got upstairs thinking about him, checked up on my mom still thinking about him, thanked Mrs. Schmidt for her help thinking about him, went to bed and decided to shake the idea off my mind. I wasn't going to allow him to consume every thought of mine.

Once I crawled under the covers, I looked at the end of the room wanting to gossip about him, but forgot that my gossip partener was muted for life. My heart ached. I couldn't be falling for someone right now while I was supposed to be mourning about my sister. I could imagine her sarcastic face when I'd tell her that I've met someone, she'd start making these annoying "ouu" noises over and over again begging me to tell her the slightest detail. Both thoughts ached my heart. Was I to think of my sister all the time and mourn in remorce, or to think of Brenn and forget my sister? I finally gave up, closed my eyes and surrendered myself to sleep.


I woke up to the screams coming out of my parent's room. I sprinted towards the noise only to see my father standing bewildered in front of my mom while she screamed and threw accusing fingers in his direction.

I leaped to her side in attempts to calm her down. She stood still and whispered, "Helena?"

I couldn't begin to describe the hurt I was feeling, but I ended up telling her yes. She hugged me tightly, too tight for my own convience.

-"That man, he told me you were dead! When I called him a liar, he tried to attack me"

I looked strangely at father who was too pale. He then tried to defend himself, "Em, when she kept asking me about Helena and told me that she dreamt about her being dead, I told her regretfully that she wasn't dreaming. When she wouldn't believe me, I tried holding her in my arms for comfort, but she started screaming and yelling. She even threw stuff at me!"

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