Chapter 20

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A/N: This chapter contains an R-rated scene.

We arrived hand in hand. Brenn opened the door, and I entered in front of him exploring the new territory. His place was modest, but big enough for one, and it felt more comfortable in the presence of two. 

"Are you hungry?" I heard Brenn yell from the kitchen. I hadn't even noticed that he left my side.

"I'll let you know when I find out where you are first."

I heard his laugh echoing through the walls, it was obvious that I was lost in this ridiculously small house. 

"Don't laugh at me," I sighed.

"Just follow the sound of my voice."

"Brenn, your voice is everywhere around me; it follows me wherever I go, and I cannot seem to get it out of my head."

I jumped as I felt his breathing on my neck. I swiftly turned around, and his lips smacked on mine. 

"You're too beautiful, witty and smart for your own good, cupcake." 

"I have my moments," I said in a low voice.

"Cupcake, stop with the teasing. When you speak with that voice, ugh, you have no idea what you do to me."

I couldn't help but blush, and he noticed. He started planting kisses on my cheek, made his way to my jaw line, then started nibbling on my neck. Loud moans escaped from my mouth, and I surely wasn't ashamed. The tingling sensation he gave me was one divine feeling. His hands started exploring my yet unknown body. He grabbed, cupped and pulled almost every inch of it. His left leg pushed its way between my legs, and they were briskly opened. 

"Jump," he said between kisses, and I did. Before I knew it, my legs were circling his waist, and he was carrying me to his bedroom, as I assumed. As we entered the dimly lit room, he placed me ever so gently on his surprisingly large bed. He made his way to lay on top of me, but I pushed him and kneeled on the bed. I started by unbuttoning his work shirt, kissing every bit of skin that I revealed during the process. His flawless body made mine shudder with need. With strong hands, I gripped his belt and started undoing it while his light fingers yanked my hair and tilted my neck to the side allowing his lips access to my heated skin. I released myself from his hold and kissed his pant line and started gowing all the way up till I reached his adam's apple and sucked on it. The moan that escaped his lips gave me the courage to go all the way and filled me with pleasure knowing that I had that effect on him. 

His hands lightly carressed my thighs, and he started lifting my dress slowly. He undressed me, threw me back on the bed and gazed at me for what seemed like forever. I couldn't wait anymore.


"You're so perfect," he exclaimed and kissed me fully on my swollen lips while his hand found its way to my left boob and got it out of the bra and squeezed it. He then planted a lustful trail of kisses until he reached my breast and suckled on it, teasing my sensitive nipple with his grazing teeth. His free hand made its way to my other boob and palmed it rubbing my aching nub with his thumb. My moans filled the room, and next thing I know, his trail of kisses led to the center of my arousal. His hands slid along my body, and his fingers played with my panty line teasing. 

"Brenn! Now!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Someone likes to give out orders. I think we're dealing with a bossy one here."


"Patience cupcake," he said then briskly snatched me out of my underwear. 

His tongue darted inside the folds of moist flesh before he devoured the very heart of my femininity. My fingers tangled in his hair, and I lifted my waist to meet his heart-stopping assaults. An unknown sensation formed in the most intiment part of me, and I arched my back welcoming the after shock of this lustful experience.

"Cupcake.." I realized that he stopped pleasuring me. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

My incapacity of forming clear words translated into soft moans and a light nod. Right there, as he was about to free his long throbbing erection from his underwear, I straightened up, stopped him, and proceeded to do it myself. His eyes opened wide. He was clearly surprised that I would have the guts to do such an act. I leaned forward and pressed my lips softly on his tip licking away his pre-cum. I teased his shaft until he couldn't hold it anymore as his ragged breathing accelerated. The reaction I got contented me, and I decided to kick it up a notch. My tongue started swirling around his hard member. Not long after his erection was covered completely by my mouth, he pushed me so I was laid once again on my back, and placed his manhood at my entrance.

"I'll be gentle," he said with a soft caring voice, and with every push, I felt my insides tearing apart. I didn't know it could be this painful. Tears rolled down my cheek. 

"It'll go away cupcake. The pain will go away."

Suddenly, he hit me with a hard fast thrust, and indeed the pain was replaced by a glorious sensation of lust and love. 

His thrusts were fast and increasing in speed. I picked up the rhythm and accomodated with him. Our moans composed a sweet loud melody. I felt my stomach clench again, and soonly after that we both reached our release, as waves of pleasure rippled through my body sending me into sweet oblivion in the arms of the very man that drove me to heaven.

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