Chapter 21

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"Leave me alone," I said in a whining voice, annoyed by the human contact. Brenn had his arms folded around my waist, my back brushing against his chest. 

"Time. To. Wake. Up. Already," he retorted accompanying each word with a kiss on my shoulder. 

"I don't want to." I turned around and kissed him.

"Cupcake, there's nothing I want more than to imprison you in this bed forever," he grinned, "but you know there's a lot waiting for us out there."

I frowned at his reply, but in some way I knew that he was right.  

"That doesn't mean that we cannot go for a round two," he winked at me with a huge smirk on his face. 

"Someone's very eager," I smiled back at him. "I'm tired and sore Brenn, you kept me awake all night," I sighed, "not that I'm complaining." 

He kissed me pationately, and I couldn't help but smile while he lavished my mouth.

 "I'm hungry," I said against his lips, and he cracked a very loud laugh.

"You're something else, Emily. I love you." He caressed my cheek.

"I-I-" I couldn't manage to get the words out of my mouth; my face was scarlet red.

"I know you do, cupcake." 

"Good, because I do, very much," and I launched myself at him and straddled his hips while he starightened up. 

His hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer as if that was even possible. I felt his breath on my lips. 

"We should get something to eat," he teased. Wanting to tease him more, I got up from the bed and cheepishly smiled at him and said, "Oh yes we should, I'm starving."

 We spent the next couple of hours having breakfast and chatting about random subjects. Suddenly, Brenn crossed his eyebrows and spoke in a serious tone, "Emily, I have to go to the station. I have to get back to working on-"

"-the case," I interrupted, "I know." 

He leaned forward and hugged me tightly.

"I want to go with you, well can I?" I asked. "I want to be involved in this."

"Emily, I can't let you."

"You can't let me because your work won't allow it or you won't allow it?"

"No cupcake it's not that- I mean.. I- Your father is going to be at the station, they caught him last night and I don't want you to be there to witness everything. I don't want to see you hurt or get hurt."

"Brenn, please. You can't protect me from everything."

"I know I can't, but I won't sit back and fold my arms knowing I could have protected you from this." He leaned in, kissed me on the forehead and turned on his heels and headed towards the door.

"Oh and cupcake, please stay here while I'm gone, I'll let Kroos know that I took you to my place so he doesn't worry much. I'll also lock the door on my way out."

I sighed in acceptance and teased him, "so you were very serious about keeping me as your prisoner in here."

"Bye love, I won't be long," he smiled back. 

 I don't know if that day seemed excrutiatingly long because I've missed Brenn or simply because I had nothing whatsoever to do. Let's just say his filled fridge was no longer full, and his perfume bottles were halfway empty. The other half was in my nostrils. It was the only way to feel his presence. 

 My heart beats raced once I heard the door unlock. Finally, Brenn was home. I cut my chain of thoughts and blushed. When did I start seeing this place as my home? It didn't matter anymore; I was finally going to be wrapped with those arms again. I rushed towards him. I was on the verge of galloping my way over there when the look on his face acted as my breaks. I halted and stared at him intently. Something was wrong, but is he going to tell me or will I have to extract it out of him? I thought quietly to myself. As much fun as it might be teasing Brenn, he looked like he wasn't up for it. His husky voice boomed in the dead living room making my knees tremble.

"Cupcake-" he spoke sorrowly. God damn it what is it now? It was like trouble became my second shadow.

"What's wrong this time?" I barely spoke up.

"Look Emily, this is for the best, try and reason with me..." 

I arched my eyebrow and looked quizically at him. Whatever it was, it was bad.

"We have sent your father to a mental facility on the oustskirts of town. If we haden't done that, he would have drowned himself in liquor and certainly may have harmed someone or himself. He cannot handle how things are turning out. He needs professional care before his situation worsens, you know that don't you?"

I stared at him in disbelief. I believe that my jaw dropped enough to touch the floor, and I finally snapped.

"Dont talk to me like I'm a child Brenn! How could you do that? I was very much capable of taking care of him myself. Why are you insisting on taking every last bit of my family away from me?" I wanted to hold back the tears, but when did that ever work?

"Dont even get me started on that! Take care of him? Are you insane? Last time you two were alone, you came out black and blue, and he did not give a damn about it. No let me rephrase, he was the person who beat you to a pulp and did not blink an eye. You must really not know me if you think that I might in any way possible let you go throught that again or anywhere near that!"

I was too stunned to move. He was right, but I couldn't admit it to myself. The man was my father and no matter what I still loved him. All his words were finally sinking in. Brenn would do everything in his power to protect me, and here I am being all dramatic and sulking around. I needed to do this for him. He needed me to do this for him. The least I could offer was the illusion of the safe bubble he locked me in. My selfishness dispersed at my for once clear thoughts. I reached out to him and kissed him passionatly. It wasn't long before he reciprocated.

 I could taste the fear and worry in him. I could feel the love and desire. I could sense the corruption around us, but right now all, I wanted was him.

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