Chapter 5 · Excused

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Lilly's POV:

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"I said you're not doing anything. I'll deal with my... Problem without you." Micha said walking away. I was about to run after him, and be my bitchy self, but Nickolas popped his head into the room.

"Time for dinner, beautiful." He said, making me blush. I glanced at Micha's retreating figure once more, before going with Nickolas.

Now we were all sitting at the table. All five of us. Yes, five, and I was pissed. Michael had came down with some hoe, and she keeps glaring at me. Michael is rubbing up and down her leg and I haven't touched my food. I'll eat later, right now I'm on strike.

"Beautiful, you're not eating." Nickolas said. I felt bad because he cooked, but I will not stand down.

"I've lost my appetite." I said, scrunching up my face at the hoe.

She kept glaring, but kept quiet. Micha was giving me a warning look. Hmm... Sass him or ignore him... I am the queen of the cold shoulder...

I payed him no mind and stared down at my lap.

"Lillian, eat." Michael said and I ignored him.

"Lilly, you heard him, eat for me." Andy said and I sighed.

"Andy, I'm not hungry..." I said, trailing off.

"Then you may be excused." Nickolas said and I got up quickly, running up the stairs to my room. One of the helpers in the house collected my plate, but that's all I saw before I bolted.

I shut my door and sighed, locking it before going into my closet. Oh yeah. I have nothing to wear.

Hmm. I could either just sleep in my underwear...or.

I snuck out of the room, and started to peak into others. I had no idea exactly where I was going.

I opened a door, glanced in, saw a plain white room, and sighed. All of these are guest rooms. I shut the door and turned around, just to see a maid staring at me weirdly.

"What? I'm snooping." I said and she smiled and bowed her head.

"Thank you for the honesty, miss. Is there something your looking for?" She asked politely.

I smiled back at her. "Nickolas' room." I said, and she grinned.

"The masters have grown a liking to you, so, follow me." She said and walked into a whole other hallway. I tried my best to remember. She opened a door and I didn't hesitate. It smelt like him. In a totally non- creepy way. She smiled then shut the door, leaving me alone in his room.

I went to his dresser and started digging through it, looking for a shirt. Yes, I was going to wear his clothes to sleep. I was going to do Michael, but then I remembered I'm still mad at him. I forget sometimes.

I finally found a shirt, and I undressed and slipped it over my head and smiled. There. It went down to about mid thigh, and I knew it would drive Nickolas crazy.

I started to explore, and I went into his bathroom, brushing my teeth with an extra toothbrush, and then I walked out and went into his closet.

This is my new favorite place. It smelt so good, and I saw his cologne and I sprayed some on me. After fawning over his clothes, I walked out, just in time for him to walk in.

He looked at me, shocked, then his gaze traveled down to what I was wearing. "W- What are you wearing?" He stuttered.

I smirked. "You didn't let me bring any stuff, remember?"

He gulped. "So you're wearing my stuff?"

"Well, yeah. I couldn't wear Michael's, I'm mad at him, and I'm not going into the man whore's room." I said and he glared. I muttered a 'sorry' before he went to his dresser and pulled something out.

"I'm going to take a shower, be gone by the time I get back." He said and I pouted as he walked towards his bathroom.

"So you want me to go to Andrew?" I asked and he turned around.

"Do what you want." Nickolas muttered, turning back around.

"Daddy..." I whined. He stopped in his tracks, right in front of the door. I smirked. "Come on, daddy. I want to be in here with you." I said and he turned to look at me.

"I'm getting in the shower." He said.

"Then let me join you." I said and he shook his head.

"That'll lead to some warm water, and I obviously need a cold shower." Nickolas said before walking into the bathroom.

I huffed and went to sit on his bed. I might be bored, but I'll just wait. What to do to pass the time...

I looked around the room and saw a notebook. I grinned and hopped up. I picked it up and opened it, just to see a lot of words in pretty handwriting.

January 10th,
Today sucked.

I stopped reading. Is this his diary? I did a quick list of pros and cons before opening the book back up. I didn't read from the beginning, because that's history, I read from yesterday, when he met me.

June 6th,
Me and my brothers met a girl today.

I stopped. They are brothers... That's been on my mind. I sat on the bed and continued to read.

She was pretty, and witty, and she wouldn't shut up no matter what. She was amazing. We're going back to the diner tomorrow to see if we see her, the way another employee spoke to her made us mad. We want to make her ours... She's so beautiful and pure... Well, her mouth isn't so pure, but everything else is.

I grinned. He must have not wrote anything today, because that was the last page. I got off the bed, about to put it back, when the bathroom door opened and a half naked Nickolas appeared, making me forget my name, much less what I was doing.

He sighed and shook his head when he saw me. "Lillian, I told you to- Is that my... Journal?" He says, drawing out the word journal.

"You mean diary? Yep." I said, holding it up before putting it back where I found it. "Don't worry, I only read the part about me." I smiled.

He smiled too. "Now you know my thoughts, what were yours when we met?"

I thought for a second. "My thoughts were this: who are these insanely hot guys, and why are they acting like the boss of me? Which is what I've been thinking ever since, leading up to, and including, this moment." I said and he laughed.

"Well I want to get to know you. All of us are going out shopping tomorrow, so something like this doesn't happen again." He says, gesturing to me in his T shirt. "And we should all try to get to know each other."

I nodded and climbed into his bed. "Yes daddy." I said and he frowned.

"You're trying, aren't you?"

I smirked. "I don't know what you mean. Join me?" I said, getting under the covers.

He sighed and got into bed, pulling the covers over him. I decided I was still cold and pulled the covers away from him. "Hey!" He said, trying to pull them back.

"Daddy..." I whined. "Don't be a hog, I'm cold."

He sighed and rolled over, pulling me to him. His breath was fanning the back of my neck and I shivered. He smirked and started to leave kisses on the back of my neck.

My heartbeat sped up and I don't know if it was his heartbeat I felt against my back or my own.

He stopped and he held me tight as I drifted to sleep.

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