Chapter 39 · Princess

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Thanks you guys so much for 1k, and I wish this chapter could be better to celebrate, but it's more of a filler. More to come, and get ready for some ✨drama✨

Lilly's POV:

I snapped my mouth shut, feeling guilty of the smile that dropped from his face.

"Tomorrow." Nick said, addressing both me and Micha.

Micha looked to me and, reluctantly, I echoed Nick.

"Okay then." Micha said eyeing us before shaking his head. "Princess, I have some clothes for you to try on." Micha said, gesturing up the stairs, to which I followed.

I glanced back at Nick, narrowing my eyes before continuing up the stairs and into my room.

Micha smiled, despite his obvious worry, and put the bags of clothes on my bed. "Try these in, then let me see." He kissed me in the head, lingering near me for a second before he walked out of my room, closing my door behind him.

I sighed, trying to shake all off my feelings away so I could be excited for my date.

Despite trying to be a happy teenage girl, anxiety was building up in my chest, dragging my heart down to my stomach.

I was nervous about lunch, about the date, about the confrontation  that will eventually happen...

And, I'm only 17. Part of my brain keeps dragging that thought back, telling me that what is going on here is wrong, that I should leave, find a job, and be sensible.

But I can't make myself act on that thought.

I sighed, running my hand through my air and attempting to take a deep breath. It felt like my chest was too tight to breathe, like I wasn't getting enough air.

I sat down on the ground, but that seemed to just make it worse, I stood back up, pacing around the room, until I heard a knock on the door.

I had forgotten Micha was waiting on me, and before I could tell him to wait, he walked in, his smile dropping for the second time today.

"What's wrong, princess?" Micha asked, coming forward to wrap his arms around me.

I shook my head and pressed my face further in to his chest, his scent relaxing me. The tightness in my chest faded, and I could feel tears brimming my eyes.

"Are you okay now?" Micha asked, a slight teasing in his voice.

I nodded and wiped my eyes, trying to return his small smile.

"What's wrong, princess?" Micha mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I just got nervous." I answered, the half truth coming out easily.

Micha nodded, obviously not fully believing me.

Then he smiled, biting his lip. "Do you need help getting changed?"

Micha glanced down at my body, just barely covered by Andy's T-Shirt.

Well, I guess Andy wasn't wrong about it being a distraction.

I could feel myself blushing, which only furthered Micha's grin.

Micha leaned forward, capturing my lips in his, dominating the kiss instantly. I brought my hand to his face, running my fingers through his hair. Micha's hands traveled down to the hem of my shirt, pulling it up as he wrapped his arms around my waist, deepening the kiss before ending it all together.

My breath was uneven as I huffed out a breath, beyond sexually frustrated.

"Soon, princess. Soon." Micha said, his voice fading to a mumble as he returned his gaze to my body, pulling my shirt over my head.

He pecked me kn the lips once more before he went to the bags of clothes he brought in, pulling out a black dress, one that looked pretty, but probably wouldn't look as pretty on me.

Micha must have read the look on my face, and he shook his head. "Just put it on."

I sighed and took it from him, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

I pulled it on over my head- or, I tried- but it got stuck. I whined, trying to pull it down, but it was somewhere between tangled and stuck.

Micha chuckled and came closer. I could see his shoes, but the rest of my vision was obstructed my the dress.

After a solid minute, Micha got the dress on properly, and a smirk formed almost instantly.

"That's my beautiful princess." Micha pecked my lips once more, and I pouted, missing his warmth.

"You aren't going to get me worked up this time, princess, we have a lunch to attend to. Speaking of, put on some shoes baby, we wouldn't want to be late." Micha went back to digging through the bag and brought out some black flats. "One more thing." Micha said, pulling the shoes away from me when I went to take them.

"Yes?" I asked, smiling teasingly.

Micha's face went serious, and I dropped my smile. "Don't run out on this dinner, and be on your best behavior."

Anxiety started to eat at me again, and I did my best to swallow it down so I could ask what I was dying to know.

"Who's going to be there?" My words were soft, and weaker than I intended.

"Don't worry, princess, everything will be okay."

His answer completely dodged my question, which did nothing to ease my worrying. "Micha, who's going to be there?" My voice was rising, and I could tell Micha didn't like that.

"Don't raise your voice at daddy." Micha said, his hand reaching out and wrapping around my throat. Micha looked down at me, licking his bottom lip before he let go and stepped away.

I swallowed the butterflies swimming from my stomach to my throat, and tried to hold on to that ever-slipping anger.

"Quit avoiding my question." My voice cracked at the end, and Micha sighed.

"My mother will be there."

My heart sunk a bit at his words, but I shook off the feeling.

"Will you guys have dates?" I asked, my voice still quiet.

"No. Aunt Nancy and my Uncle Robert will be here too." Micha said, which brought a smile to my face.

"So...I'm the only date?" I tried not to sound too excited, but I knew Micha could see right through me.

"You're the only one, princess."

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