Chapter 14 · Daughters

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Lilly's POV:

I took a shower, got ready, and now we're down stairs, eating dinner.

They had company over again.

I noticed Micha wasn't rubbing the girls leg, and that made me smile. Andy couldn't take his eyes off of me, and Nick just stared at his plate, not wanting to make eye contact with one of the girls, or me, I guess.

"Well, boys, would you like to introduce me, or should I do that myself?" The old man, Mr.Denton, asked.

"Lillian, this is Mr.Denten. Mr.Denten, this is Lillian." Micha said.

I smiled politely. "Nice to meet you."

Mrs.Denton, Delilah, wasn't here because she had to go on a business trip, so I've been ignored most of the time. Although, this time, I didn't really mind, because I still had the guys attention.

"This is Marilyn." Mr.Denton said, gesturing to the girl sitting by Nick. She had her phone on under the table, and she didn't even glance at me. "This is Abigail." He said, pointing at the one next to Andy. She was ogling Andy and I tried not to glare. "And this is Elizabeth." He said, pointing at the one next to Micha, who had her arms pressed against her boobs, trying to show them off to Micha.

"I'm Lilly." I said, giving a polite, but not very polite, smile.

Marilyn just nodded her head, Abigail smiled back, half-heartedly, and Elizabeth just gave me a phony ass smile, glaring at me.

I glared back.

"Girls, we need to talk business." Mr.Denton told his daughters before wiping his mouth and standing up.

"Lillian, show the girls to the living room." Nick said.

Andy leaned into my ear. "Be yourself, just don't have any proof."

I chuckled and he straightened up, following Mr.Denton and his brothers.

I stood up, along with the girls, including Marilyn, who put away her phone.

"This way." I muttered, walking to the living room.

I sat down on the love seat, while the other girls sat on the bigger couch.

Marilyn tapped her foot, Abigail seemed to just be daydreaming, though there was drool on her lip, and Elizabeth just glared at me.

"So!" Elizabeth said, interrupting the silence. "What's your relationship with the Kingston's like? Are you an orphan they took in?"

I let out an angry breath. "Of course not." I said, still trying to be polite.

"Then what? It's not for sex, obviously, and it's not like they love you." She said confidently.

I smirked. "If only you knew..." I muttered.

She let out a frustrated noise and then left, saying she had to go to the bathroom.

Marilyn turned to me. "So. How's life?" She asked.

I looked at her shocked. She's actually being nice!?

"Oh- U-Um it's great. Yep, life is great." I stuttered.

"Don't be nervous. I am nothing like my sister." She grinned.

I smiled back. Abigail snapped out of her thoughts and looked me up and down. "So which one has a liking to you?" Abigail asked.

I smirked at her. "All of them."

He mouth fell open. "Do I have a chance?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Don't think so."

Marilyn laughed as Abigail slumped over. Then she straightened up, like she didn't care. "Oh well. At least I can tell Conner it's his baby."

My mouth fell open in shock and Marilyn just gave her a look. "You told me it was Eli's." Marilyn said and Abigail shrugged.

"Eh. I like Conner more right now." Abigail says then she looks at me. "You're fun to hang out with, by the way. So blunt and witty. Don't know why Elizabeth hates you."

Marilyn shakes her head. "She doesn't hate her, Abby, she's just jealous."

My eyes widened. "She's jealous? The first time I met her, Micha was all over her!"

"That's the thing. You can call him Micha, and all she gets is a 'Mr.Kingston.' You get to live here with them, and she only sees them at business dinners. Or when they call her for sex, which was only once." Marilyn says.

I slowly nodded.

"And that was a year ago!" Abigail added.

"Do you think I have a chance?" I asked them.

They looked at me like I was crazy. "If you don't have a chance, I don't know why Elizabeth thinks she does." Abigail said, snapping her fingers.

Marilyn and I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Elizabeth asks, walking back in. She sits down and glared at me.

"Oh, stop that sister. She's actually really cool. And you don't have a chance with any of the Kingston's, so get over yourself already." Marilyn says.

"Chance or not, I don't like you." Elizabeth says to me before pulling out her phone.

Marilyn gives me a 'well she's ruder than I remembered' look and I grinned.

"Oookay, business meet over." Mr.Denton said, looking at all of us on the couch. "Come on, girls." He said to his daughters.

They all nod and Marilyn pulls a pen out of her pocket. "My number." She says, grabbing my hand and scribbling numbers on it.

I nod at her and she leaves with her family.

"Make a friend?" Andy asked, sitting beside me.

"And an enemy." I answered.

"Hm?" Micha hummed, sitting on my other side.

"Elizabeth. She doesn't like me." I said and Nick nodded.

"She's just jealous." Nick says, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

My skin burns where he touched. I pout and they all look at me.

"What is it, princess?" Micha asked.

"Nick doesn't love me." I said.

"I love you!" Micha and Andy say at the same time. They glare at each other.

"That's the first time you say you love me, and it wasn't romantic at all." I say, disappointed.

"Sorry, Nick's the romantic." Andy said and I sighed, pouting again.

"Come on, beautiful, put the pout away." Nick says, leaning close to me. I do as he says and look down, then glance up at him through my lashes. "Don't give me that look." He says, his voice a bit raspy.

I was doing it. I sighed and looked at Andy. Then I made a kissy face, and Andy didn't hesitate.

He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in, smashing his lips on mine. It took about three seconds for me to be ripped away.

Micha turned me towards him and attacked my lips as well.

Again, three seconds.

Nick pulled me away, and I pouted at him. "Micha and Andy love me." I said and he sighed.

He leaned in real close and got his lips to my ear. "I love you, my beautiful babygirl." He says, and then he pulls back and kisses me hard.

Micha walks away, saying it was Nick's turn, and Andy pouted, leaving with him.

Nick broke the kiss and sat on the couch beside me and I climbed into his lap.

"Baby-" he starts, but I put my finger against his lip.

"No daddy." I shushed, and then I kissed him again, moving my hips.

He gripped me tight and started to trail his kisses down my neck. Then he went back up to my ear.

"Time for bed." He said, standing up, and taking me with him to his room.

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