Poems: Graystripe, Dustpelt, and Millie (3

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(In the tune of jingle bells.)

Graystripe: I love cookies, I love cookies, 

They have nuts in theeeeeeeeeem!

Sometimes they contain raisins, so eat them, get them, now!

They are so yummy, 

The flavour is plenty,

All the way to Spain!

They are really fat and sticky, 

And the nuts on them are raw!

The cookies are a delicious sight,

So buy them in the store, NOW!

Bluestar: Thats Twoleg rubbish Graystripe.... 

Dustpelt: *silence for like 100000000000000000000,000000000000000,0000000000000000,00000000000 years* I didn't practise for this. I was called up randomly...

Millie: them get off of the stage! Some cats are still waiting!

Dustpelt: okie :3

Millie: *deep breath in* I used to be a kittypet,

 but I was made for forest cats like you!

It was my mate Graystripe who gave me the chance,

So please oh please accept me!

If you don't, I'll give you guys: 

123456789010213243647859505049837171771728394004040393882722652627283993039484763535373893939382762829392618293934040493838372728299393039382727893948463682999292827628495847367485948737395983727349486373848594763638492928718191929838476892837573947748374839282749292837478292848299274748297382929373939 of anything you want! 


Bluestar: WOW.... you just said those numbers like it was nothing!

Millie: *blushes* Oh, it's just a talent I've got to boast about.

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