Serris X

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Following the map given to her by Weavel , Samus was now heading toward a location with high levels of X activity . She didn't know what she would find but she needed to find out why this particular area was high in infection rates. The area she had come to was at the ocean shore of the continent she was on. She activated her gravity suit and prepared to jump down into the ocean when suddenly a blurred shape darted out of the water toward her. Before she could react she was grabbed in the jaws of a beast and dragged into the water. The monster dragged her down into the depths but luckily she was able to escape its maw by morphing into a ball. Transforming back to normal she watched as the monster spun around in the water above her .

"Morphology: Serris X. Aquatic predator augmented by parasitic infection. The original serris organism was designed to hunt x but after it's demise ,the corpse of the creature was left exposed for infection. The x have mutated the creature and enhanced it's already lethal abilities, scans detect the presence of new chozo technology that has been acquired and implemented into its physiology . To top it off, serris now possesses the power to reproduce more x due to the presence of an upgraded organism inside . "

As serris came down toward Samus , a super missile knocked it off course but the force of its speed meant its tail still collided with her , sending her reeling around in a current . Serris illuminated a bright silver colour and the wound on its face immediately healed. Eventually Samus steadied herself and shinesparked through the water toward it. Serris did the same and the two collided with such force that the entire water around them warped into a whirlpool and they both spun around and were pulled to the center of the vortex as it threatened to kill both of them .

Samus grabbed Serris's tail with the grapple beam and as he spun around the edge of the vortex she was pulled out from inside and flung out into normal water. She watched as the creature was dragged further downward desperately trying to use its boost power to escape. Eventually the whirlpool collapsed in on itself and Serris was bisected as the currents condensed together before going back to normal. The broken pieces of the creature floated upward and simultaneously all of them morphed into themselves and the corpse disappeared and was replaced by a giant X parasite surrounded in a protective barbed shell. This was the mutant organism that was reproducing! This core x was able to create more as it gained further control over its host. Samus blasted the core repeatedly and it gave away , revealing the exposed organism within. With a charged shot she obliterated the x. Unknown pieces of energy coalesced together and a chozo artefact was formed. Samus grabbed it and descended to the bottom of the ocean. As she reached the ocean floor she felt the artifact bond with her suit. She had taken 11 energy tanks worth of damage in that whirlpool but somehow she knew that wouldn't be a problem. Clutching her arms across her chest and then throwing them outwards she released a flash of silver energy into tiny crystal shaped particles that flew back at her and into her suit, suddenly all her energy tanks were restored!

"Huh. Maybe I might stand more of a chance than I originally thought "

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