Chapter 24

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Lily P.O.V.

It took all my will to say those things to Charlie and act like I actually meant them. I won't lie though, he had me fooled for a while. The part about his mom and dad, it got to me, but if I'm going to be doing this I can't feel sorry for him. No remorse whatsoever when it comes to the plan. When it came to the hug, however, I swear I almost threw up. But I think I fooled Charlie. He probably thinks that I forgave him, but little does he know that I'm the one playing him now.

I sit on my desk in my room and stare at the empty word document on my laptop. I can't think; I'm too hyped about this revenge plan. I can't wait to see the look on Charlie's face when he tells me that he loves me and I completely leave him. It'll be amazing! I feel disgusting for a split second - it goes as fast as it came. I'm doing what Charlie did to tons of other girls. I'll end up just like him. I shake the thought away. No I'm doing good because he's a dick and I'm just trying to teach him a lesson.

My phone vibrates and I see that it's a text from Brandon. A wide grin spreads across my face. It's crazy to think that he makes me so happy. I unlock my phone to see him asking whether or not I did the AP Chem homework. Of course I haven't!! I'm staring at an empty word document for AP English.

AP English...

Aw man. I completely forget to reply to Brandon and start typing some bullshit that I'm pulling from my ass. It's good bullshit though. Enough to get me a B or even a B+. My phone vibrates again and I think that it's Brandon repeating his question but when I check my phone, it's Charlie.

"Lily I'm really sorry for everything. I hope we can start fresh. Just to let you know I broke up with my girlfriend and I'd really be happy if you would agree to hang out with me this Friday?"

Bingo!! Of course I'll hang out with you Charlie. No matter how much you disgust me, I'll hang out with you. Another vibration. Jeez man what does everyone want? It's Brandon. I reply telling him that I never do the AP Chem hw; I end up copying my homie Jonny so I'll let him copy tomorrow.

Another damn vibration!! I check and see that's a group chat between me, Daisy, and Mikey.

Long story short, we still don't have a fourth person in our group. Damn I got this essay to finish and now I have to worry about recruiting someone! The only person I know who doesn't have a group yet is Janiera or Jani as her friends call her. She's literally the definition of supermodel. Tall, taller than me, skinny, light-skinned, and really nice straight red hair. Yeah red. Well not like ginger but dark red but red enough. And she's smart. I suggest her to the group chat and both members agree because by now she's probably the only one left.

I text her asking, "Hey Janiera it's Lily. Would you like to be in my, Daisy, and Mikey's group for the AP Lang magazine project?" (had her for another group, that's how I have her number) and get back right to working, feeling happy and accomplished.

So another vibration followed by two more. One from Janiera, one from Brandon, and one from Charlie.

"Yeah I'd love to be in your guys's group. Count me in. Btw just call me Jani. All my friends call me that."

"Alright thanks so much Lily. Btw I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime this week..."

"Alright. Thanks Lily for forgiving me. Means a lot"

Lots of commentary on these three texts. The supermodel says we're friends now, the new kid says we should hang out, and the bitch ass thinks he's forgiven. I have never been more confused in my life but not about these texts...

Confused because I've always been the girl to have her feelings straight. Yes I like that guy. No I don't like him. But with Brandon it's different...I feel like I like him but at the same time I feel like I'm using him to get over Charlie. And if it's the latter, I want it to be over because Brandon looks like he's been through enough. I don't know how to explain it but something about him is off and I want to know what it is, but before that I have to gain his trust and long before that I have to get my feelings straight.

That just came out of nowhere. Now I know that if I don't get my feelings straight for this kid, I'm gonna turn crazy.

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