Chapter 4

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I did not know Charlie could drive. It really did surprise me when he told me that he drove to school and home. We arrive at the parking lot near the pool. Makes sense why he would park his car here; he's in water polo. When he takes out his keys to open the car, I finally come to my senses to realize what kind of car he has: a dark red Honda Civic 2014. It is the nicest car in the whole parking lot. I then notice Charlie going to the other side of the car, only to realize that he is opening the door for me.

"After you Lily," Charlie offers like a gentleman.

I obey and enter inside. I whisper a "thank you" to Charlie, but I don't think he hears. While he is walking back to his side of the car, I quickly look around. The back seat portion of his car is a mess. Sweaters-of many graduating years, textbooks, many wrappers from many different fast-food places, and even a speedo there and here. I am about to turn around, when my eye catches something pink. I do a double take and see that it is a present nicely wrapped in a soft pink paper. I wonder who it's for, maybe his mother, maybe his sister. I don't have more time to think about it because I hear the car door opening. I quickly go back to my original position of sitting like a nice, innocent girl and smile when Charlie sits down. He throws his backpack in the back along with the sweaters, textbooks, wrappers, speedos, and that beautifully wrapped gift that I still wonder who it is for. I want to ask, but I'm pretty sure it is none of my business so I drop the subject.

Charlie ignites his car then turns to look at me and asks, "So where do you live Lily?" he says with such a little kid smile, I think it's adorable. I tell him where I live, and he starts driving. I look out the window. I see people walking, talking, waiting for the bus; I had been in all those positions, but I am going to be there tomorrow either way. Unlike Charlie, I have to take the bus to school and home. I know what all those people outside the window are experiencing. I was once one of them, I still am.

"What are you thinking about Delcroix?" Charlie asks, breaking the silence that was filling the car.

"Nothing. It's just that I see all these people waiting for the bus, and I feel bad," I start, "Heh, this might sound weird but...but I feel like, I don't know, like I betrayed them?"

"Why?" Charlie asks, risking a glance towards me.

"Because, because I take the bus to school and home everyday. I know how those people feel, and I don't know, I just feel like a traitor since I'm here getting a ride and they are out there waiting for the bus." I glance at him and he just has an indifferent face that I don't blame him for having to be honest.

"I know it's weird bu-"

"It's not weird at all. I know exactly what you're feeling," he says half smiling.


"I used to take the bus too, until I learned how to drive and I got my own car," he explains. Man what's up with me getting cut off. Is what I say not important?

"Here?" Charlie asks, making the subject of his past, well a subject of the past.

"Ohh yeah...right here," I confirm. He parks right in front of my house, and I am about to get off when he asks, "So what time should I come tomorrow?"

I turn and give him a confused face. What is he talking about?

I guess he caught the confusion because he then clarifies by saying, "What time should I pick you up tomorrow in the morning?"

I am still confused, but then he finally fully clarifies, "We have zero period together Lily; I might as well pick you up from now on. I literally live a little further down this street, so it won't be like I'm wasting gas to pick you up, because that is probably an excuse you would give me so I won't pick you up. It's fine though. I'll give you a ride every morning and I'll drop you off everyday since we don't have practice, and when our seasons start, we'll end up getting out of practice at the same time. So what time tomorrow?"

"Charlie really it's fine..."

"Okay be out here by 6:30; I'll be here waiting," he offers and gives me an award-winning smile.

"Fine. Thanks Charlie. You know, you really are the best," I flatter him while giving him my best smile back.

I put my hand on the door handle and am about to open it, when I am once again interrupted not by him asking me a question, but by being grabbed by the arm and pulled back to face him.

"Lily..." he starts.

"Yeah?" I reply. I try to make it come out in a bold manner, but it just ends up coming out in a shaky whisper. I feel a weird feeling in my stomach, I feel...


We are literally three inches away from each other's faces. For some reason I find myself looking at his lips. I just keep looking at them.

"Don't forget 6:30 in the morning tomorrow and everyday okay? Please don't hurt my feelings," he says rapidly as if he is also feeling what I am. The whole time I notice he is observing my face, but I swear I catch him looking at my lips every once in a while.

He leans in closer, and my heart starts to race. I almost forget that he is still holding my wrist pretty tightly.

"See ya tomorrow sweetheart," he whispers in my ear and then leans back and winks back at me.

I open the car door and get out. While closing it, I decide to play along with this "game," so I lean over a blow him a kiss, and I swear he catches it.

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