Big green eyes

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Kota's POV

What just happened?

It takes me exactly 4.3 seconds before I come back to my senses, and run after Max. We were just scoping out the new neighborhood, getting a feel of the place and people, when the dog decided to break his leash and set off in a random direction.

I still can't fathom what got into him; I didn't train him for years only for him to act like this all of a sudden. I finally catch up to him, and the scene that plays out in front of me is seriously making me question his training a second time in the past 6 minutes.

Max jumps on a girl who is sitting on one of the four swings in the park. I thank god that she's able to maintain her balance on the swing, along with holding Max, or it would have become a bad situation. It's not the end of it though, as Max starts licking her face like she's better than his dog food. And I have always made sure that Max loves his dog food. I even tried it once, I know it might not be the ideal way to make sure, but I had to know what my pet was consuming everyday was atleast tasteful.

I can't really see the girl's face because of Max's licking fest in full swing, but I do notice her shoulders shaking, as if she is laughing, although I can't hear her even after coming closer.

Her smooth, pale legs are on full display for the world to see, curtsey of the light blue shorts she's wearing, and her pink top is long sleeved and clings to her body. And it is now that I realize that I'm just standing here, examining her, while my golden retriever is probably licking all her makeup off her face.

Oh no.

"Max! Get off of her! I am so sorry. He's never done that before. Are you okay?" I command Max, my tone turning gentle at the end as I address the girl. Upon hearing me, he immediately stops and sits absolutely still on the girl's lap.

I could see her face now, and she was pretty, even with dog slobber on her face. Fortunately, she wasn't wearing any makeup; I can't imagine what- No, let's stop right there, I don't even want to think about it. I was about to lend her my handkerchief when she took her own out of her pocket, and gently wiped her face all over.

When she was done, she put her handkerchief back in her pocket, and I liked how she neatly folded it before putting it back. The girl looked up and gave me a smile. "I'm alright. You don't need to worry, I love dogs."

Dark blonde hair twisted in a clip, with wisps of hair framing a delicate face, long eyelashes, a slight button nose, along with perfect pink lips, the girl in front of me is the epitome of beautiful.

And her big green eyes. They are deep and mysterious, the deepness of them haunted with shadows.

Her words are fairly simple, but right now they are an echo in my mind that is hard to register. Her voice is mesmerizing, and hearing it for the first time makes it hard to focus. I am saved from any embarrassment, though, as she is back to interacting with Max again.


I regain composure, and introduce myself. "I'm Dakota Lee. And this guy is Max."

She shifts her gaze to me without removing her hand, which is petting Max, from his head. Max is absolutely relaxed, nuzzling his head more into her hand. It's as if he's her dog, and not mine.

It was nice knowing you, buddy.

"I'm Sang. Are you new here, Dakota? I haven't seen you before." She asks me.

Her name is unique, but it fits her. Sang.

"Yes. I and my family are moving here, so I just wanted to get a feel of the area. By the way, my friends call me Kota."

Other than her unique name, the fact that she loves dogs and her haunted eyes, I don't really know her, so I refrain from mentioning where it is I'm moving exactly. I want her to feel comfortable around me though, and I really want to hear her say the name my friends call me, that is unique just like her own.

"So what do you want me to call you, Kota or Dakota?"

"It's solely your choice." I tell her with a smile. Her face gets this look, like she doesn't know what to do. Perhaps she likes Dakota better. Her dilemma seems something else though, so I decide to clear it up for her. "Although, I'd prefer that you call me Kota."

The smile on her face is back, and it gives me a warm feeling. "So, are we friends now Kota?" she questions with a teasing smile. "I would like that." And I mean it.

I feel my phone buzzing and hear the familiar sound of a new message. I take it out to see a text from Mr. Blackbourne.

Mr. Blackbourne: We will be having a family meeting today, Mr. Lee. Please check everyone's schedules and inform me of timing suitable for everyone.

Me: Will do, Mr. Blackbourne.

I have just closed the text window, when a text from Jessica comes.

Jess: Hey Kota, could u please drop me to a friend's, like, right now? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease

I can practically feel the puppy eyes, so I comply.

Me: I'll be there in 15 minutes. 20 at most.

Her reply is instant, but I have already closed the app, and am looking towards Sang again. "Your girlfriend?" she asks curiously. "It was my little sister. She wants me to drop her at a friend's house."

"Alright then, I guess I'll see you around." She says. I want to talk to her more, so we exchange numbers. I'm not losing the chance to get to know her.

"Come on, Max, let's go. Bye Sang!" I walk backwards while waving to her.

"Bye Kota!" She waves back.

The whole way back home, I can't stop wondering about Sang. About her big, green, haunted eyes.

I have always loved mysteries, and if there's one thing I know, it's that I want to unravel hers.


AN: Did you like Sang and Kota's first meeting? Comment below and tell me!

QOTD: If you could change the color of your eyes, what would it be? I think I'd go with hazel, or gray, perhaps.

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