Beautiful Baby

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North's POV

Lucian, that little shit. He ditched going to the church with me. And to do what?

Go shopping with Gabe and Vic.

He probably thought he could get a shit ton of those sweet abominations in my absence. Well, he can go ahead and do whatever the hell he wants to, because not only did Si agree to come with me in his place, but also, last night I raided all of his stash while he was gone. He's gonna end up in the hospital one day, I swear.

I come out of the room Silas and I were checking out and stand in front of one of the windows. The whole place is a mess and besides the flashlights in our phones, sunlight is the only other source of light we have.

"This is going to take a lot of work." I say to myself with a sigh, but I know for a fact that Si heard it, what with us being the only two people here. He comes out of the room and goes straight to lay down on one of the pews. I eye it warily; who knows how old these things are, and with Silas' frame, they won't take too long to go down.

"Quit worrying, brother." He tells me in Greek, his voice calm.

That's how he always is. He might be the bigger one, but I'm the one who's the hothead out of the two of us. He continues what he was saying and that's when we hear it. "It's going to be-"


The sound comes from behind the podium. I would have thought this was my 'older' brother, considering his usual antics, but I know for a fact that he wouldn't miss the free sweets hoarding that he's probably doing at the mall right now. This can only mean one thing: Someone's fucking spying on us.

I yell, and my words echo throughout the church.

"Who the fuck is there?!"

I expected an enemy or a random teenager looking for trouble. A kid, even. But this is just ridiculous.

A girl. A 15-16 year old girl. No, a 15-16 year old girl, wearing a pink t-shirt managed to get inside and spy on us while we were talking like idiots. And while I am internally beating myself up about how I could've dismissed the sounds she must have made getting inside, said girl has very patiently wiped her hands with a handkerchief, and is now spritzing some sanitizer on them from a little bottle. At least she knows not to spread germs and has enough sense to carry some form of antiseptic with her to take care of herself.

Did I just worry about, and praise, this spy girl's sanitation habits? Well, she doesn't look like a spy anyway. If anything, she looks like a baby with her short height and innocent face.

A very beautiful innocent face.

"Hi" she says. Neither Si nor I reply. I am thinking about only 2 things right now. One, this girl has eyes the color of fresh spinach. I know that's a weird way to describe eyes, but I'm a man who loves my greens. Sue me. Two, her pale, long legs. I mean, how the hell can someone so short have so long legs? I don't know why Silas doesn't say anything, but by a single look at his face I know he's thinking along the same lines as I am.

Minus the spinach, of course.

Both of us brothers are still in a daze when she starts rambling. "You see, not a lot of people come here during daytime, not that you can't. I mean, this is more like a night hotspot rather than a day hotspot. When the sun's up, it's like one of those barren places, like in the movies, where when you come across it there's a lone tumbleweed tumbling. Did I just make alliteration? I guess I did. Anyway, back to the topic. But when night falls, yeah, that's when the party starts."

She stops and takes a much needed breath. "Okaaaaay," she drawls the word out, "I should probably go."

A baby, alright.  


AN: I know this was pretty short, but I just wanted to give you guys a glimpse into North's head. No QOTD this time. Anyway, hope y'all have a great week!

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