3 boys

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Nathan had just returned back from Kota's. He had gone there to offer some help with setting up the stuff but Erica had immediately refused, telling him he must be exhausted with setting up his own stuff the day before. She'd even offered to cook him a nice breakfast and that was when he knew he needed to leave. He didn't want to put another burden on her shoulders when she already had things to do.

So, he'd left. Right now, he was making something for himself to eat after getting back from running the trails in the woods once more.

He'd hoped to run into Sang again but unfortunately she wasn't at the tree house this morning. He knew his house was just next to hers and he could very easily make a visit with an excuse of being the new neighbour but it was bound to bring unnecessary questions about his parents. Questions he didn't know how to answer without sounding like a pitiful teenager left alone by the two most important people in his life.

He went over the one and only meeting he'd had with Sang, separating all the facts he could gather.

She knew her way around the woods, so she must spend a lot of time there. The treehouse she had was proof of that.

She had a soothing voice that he'd loved hearing.

She was really, really beautiful. So beautiful he'd been afraid she'd rendered him speechless and he wouldn't be able to get out a sentence had he tried to talk to her then. Thank god, his voice had worked. Not being able to speak because he had been stunned by her beauty would have been utterly humiliating.

She lived in the house next to his, which was very close to him. Although he'd like it if she was even closer. Possibly in his new pool. Or his new living room. Or his new bedroom.

He sighed. He was really getting ahead of himself. He'd just met her once for god's sake.

And he still didn't know what those carvings on that tree meant. Perhaps she already had someone she admired, like he'd started to her. Or perhaps she already had a boyfriend. Or boyfriends?

There was no way he was ever going to be able to snag that little peanut.


Mr. Blackbourne

Last night, Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green had talked to Dr. Roberts in his office at the Academy hospital about the minor details of their upcoming mission.

What were these minor details?

A bird.

As they were going to be on "loan" to the Ashley Waters High School, they not only needed a diverse group of children to represent them; who would excel from academics to arts to sports, but they also needed a young lady.

It would seem strange if the Academy, the private school that in their eyes had so generously agreed to help "better" their schooling environment, would only send male and not female role models.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Blackbourne didn't think it was that big of a deal if they didn't bring a female student with them.

It could be very easily explained with an excuse of how they didn't want the young ladies of their school to be exposed to such a rambunctious environment, that was, if they even pointed it out in the first place.

Yet, Dr. Roberts thought it necessary for them to have a female companion on this mission. Not only that, but he'd also said he already had someone in mind.

"Sweet, young dearie she is. She'll fit right in with your group of boys."

Mr. Blackbourne couldn't help but think of the sweet, young lady he'd met the day before. The agony on her face when she had been in Lily's office had done nothing to take away from her enchanting beauty. A fellow violinist like him, she'd had two of the Andersons smiling along with her.

Every Academy family was close, but because not everyone understood the workings of their team's relationship, they were comparatively more withdrawn than most, and to have seen them act so fondly with Sang, meant that they trusted her.


He'd thought of her by her first name.

How very strange.


Dr. Green

Dr. Phil Roberts was a bad, bad man.

Sean was home and that meant for now he could drop the titles. It was his head, anyway. He could call Phil oldie locks in his thoughts if he wanted and his mentor couldn't do a thing about it.

He wanted to know.

He wanted to know more about his Pookie, aka the sweet Sang who he'd met in the old man's office, but he didn't know what to do.

He couldn't ask Phil about her without him looking like a stalker and he couldn't search her up on the hospital database without, well, without looking like a stalker.

He didn't want his future wife to think of him like that the next time he met her. And he would meet her.

Not meeting her again would be like knowing you have a soulmate out there but not being able to be with them.

Which was essentially what was happening right now.

Every minute that ticked by that he was away from the little beauty, was one more minute wasted when he could have been getting to know her instead.

On top of this agony, Phil wanted him, and his entire team, to work with a bird they didn't even know.

Yes, he'd said she was sweet.

Yes, he'd said she would fit right in.

But his team was a diverse group and although he didn't think it was impossible, he imagined it would certainly be a tough task for this mystery girl to get along with all of them.

His phone buzzed on the kitchen counter and he moved from the bowl of cereal in front of him to pick it up. There was a message from Owen on their team group chat. It stated an address of a house in Sunnyvale, where Kota and Nathan had just moved for their new mission, and he'd asked everyone to gather there right now.

Sean knew the boys would follow his orders without any questions. They trusted Owen as their leader and team liaison. He did, too. But he needed to ask.

"What's up, O-man?" He asked once his best friend picked up his call.

"If my assumption that you're still home even after reading my text is correct, then the answer would be the ceiling of your condo, Sean." He answers in his usual stuck-up voice.

"Okay, my stuffy little BFF. Now what's the matter? Whose address did you send us?"

"Dr. Roberts had sent me the information, as he said he would. The bird we'll be working with is Xander Winston's daughter."

"I didn't know he had another daughter. I thought his daughter had....."

"She's legally adopted."

"Ah. Alright. Now come and pick me up. Quick quick."


"Owie bean."

"I'll be there in 5 minutes."

And then, as always, he hung up without another word.

Stuck up polished best friend jerk.


AN: The countdown for our mystery guest continues!

AN: The countdown for our mystery guest continues!

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