"Damn, you're good."

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As Nathan, Kota and I walk across the courtyard to the very rundown school building, I can't help but think that this place really does need help. It gives me that much more of an incentive to actually do something, knowing that this will be a better and safer environment once we're done with this mission.

Nathan and Kota flank me on both sides all the way until we reach the administration office that's supposed to be now Owen's and Dr. Sean's. I want to tell them not to bother, that there will probably be times we'll be separated in this school, but I have a feeling this is going to be usual from now on.

I give a few knocks on the door, Academy style, and while Nathan looks surprised, Kota doesn't. So the latter takes the opportunity to open the door and the three of us step inside, but not before I hear Nathan curse lightly.

Not all of the guys are here yet, but I wave to those who are, them being Dr. Sean, Owen, Luke, Silas and North. They give me their own greetings back, greeting the guys next.

Then Dr. Sean, in what I can only describe as a gallant fashion, comes around his desk and grabs my hand. "We've been waiting for you, Pookie." He says as he pulls me toward his desk. I take note that he hasn't let go of that nickname. Okay then.

"For me?" I ask as he sits in front of his computer, me standing beside him.

"Yes, you. Just look over the schedule that we've come up with and tell me if you would like to change anything." He explains as he pulls up a premade schedule on his computer screen.

The schedule is completely useless. All the subjects that I can see in front of me are ones that I've already gone through, although something here intrigues me. "Mr. Blackbourne." I remind myself that I've only said his last name due to being present in school premises and not because he intimidates me a little.

The man in question looks a bit surprised. I am not sure if it's because of the way I addressed him or the fact that I addressed him at all. Nevermind the reverie, he's just asked for me. "Yes, Ms. Winston?"

Ew, that sounds so old school.

"What type of music are you going to teach me? Instrumentals or vocals or both?"

Everyone looks at him and I notice Victor and Gabriel, who were about to enter the office, stop in their tracks to listen to his answer. Owen looks a bit startled before regaining his composure and answering. "I was hoping the both of us could work on our violin skills. However, if there is something else you'd like to learn, I'm sure we could do that as well. It's always good to have another skill."

"It's fine. I would like to hear you play as well, Mr. Blackbourne." A silent acknowledgment on my part that I knew this was a way to listen to how good I actually am and that I am okay with it. He nods, everyone goes back to whatever they were doing, and Victor and Gabriel finally enter the office and greet everyone.

And then there's an arm around my shoulder. "What else do you play, Trouble? Besides the violin?"

"Piano. And a little bit of guitar as well. Acoustic." Faces of the two new arrivals brighten, so I'm guessing Gabriel plays an instrument as well, but before I can question this new discovery or be questioned about my own that everyone seems to have just made, two more figures are entering the office and each one of us is on alert.

The pictures in the Academy files that I saw must have been taken months ago, because Mr. Hendricks, whose face should have been round and healthy, looks thin and harrowed. He's a couple inches shorter than Mr. McCoy, who stands at equal height with Owen. Clad in a wrinkled pinstriped shirt and a brown pair of trousers, there's something about the look in his eyes behind his brown pair of glasses that just makes him seem like a tired man.

Mr. McCoy, on the other hand, actually looks well put together. I hadn't pondered much on it before, but seeing him in person is making me realise that he actually has quite a nice face and a rather fit build for a man well in his forties. And this makes him even scarier in my eyes.

Because just how bad would he really have to be for numerous women to not only reject, but also report his advances?

"So these are the students of your precious Academy." Mr. McCoy looked at each of us "students" and he stopped his gaze on me. "You," he said in a suspicious voice, "you're not one of them."

Can I just say ouch?

"Mr. McCoy," Mr. Hendricks started but then he too seemed to look at me weirdly. What was going on?

"Could you please elaborate, Mr McCoy? Ms. Winston is an official student of the Academy." Owen stated.

Mr. McCoy's stare didn't leave me as he spoke. "A few months ago, something of a talent summit was hosted by the Palm Springs High School." Oh no. "We were present there, weren't we, Principal Hendricks?"

"I remember now. It was you, wasn't it? You performed with two boys. Twins, I think they were."

The weird stare. He was trying to remember me. Of course something like this would happen to me the first time I try do something Academy.

Time to do some damage control. "You are right, sir, that was me. I was a student at Palm Springs, but I switched schools." I gave him my best polite smile.

The Principal bought it, Vice Principal, not so much. "Switching schools? In the middle of the year? And isn't it very hard to get into the Academy?"

"As a matter of fact, it is quite hard to get into the Academy." Dr. Sean paused briefly. "However, Ms. Winston's transcripts were remarkable. To add to this, she is also musically talented. And who were we to turn away such an exceptional student?"

Damn, he's good.

After this, McCoy seemed to be passive and let Principal Hendricks, who was more than satisfied with our explanation, do all the talking. Mr McCoy just silently observed as all of the boys and I introduced ourselves and the principal, who was starting to seem like a nice guy to me, told us some real made up stuff about his school.

Just as both of our suspects were leaving, Dr. Sean called out to none other than, "Mr. McCoy, you seemed really quiet the whole time."

"I didn't feel like speaking, Dr. Green." He replied tersely.

"Should I check you over?" Dr. Sean asked, looking ever so sincere. "I'm a doctor doctor, you know."

McCoy just glared at him before storming out, the door swinging in his stead. Everyone turned to look at Dr. Sean and he just grinned cheekily.

"Damn, you're good."


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