Someone special

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Just what I thought.

Victor looks happy, relaxed, not wary like he did mere moments ago. I know you are wondering what I did to make that observation, so let me tell you this in a little detailed manner. I'd have to be really isolated and a great distance away from Charleston to not know exactly who Victor Morgan is.

His parents run in the elite circles of Charleston. I've never actually seen him, so I didn't know what he looked like up until now. The refined clothes that practically scream 'money' didn't make identifying him that hard though. I doubt there's more than one Victor Morgan here in Charleston anyway. I've only ever heard him play but even then he's always playing other people's work, so I really don't know much about his skills either. But now, looking at those long fingers that tell stories of playing the piano for hours, I have an inkling he could be a good composer too.

There's only two ways you can ever talk to a celebrity. The either and the or. You either fangirl, in which case they either tend to become arrogant or completely hide in a shell, afraid about being judged to be someone they are not or you ignore their celebritiness. I prefer the or method, where you act like you don't know them at all. If they're the arrogant kind, their ego would take a blow, and if they're not, they'd be happy to be treated like a regular human being.

Clearly, Victor does not like his fame. But then again, I don't think someone like Gabriel or Luke would be friends with an arrogant, pompous, rich kid.

"It's nice to meet you, Sang." A generic greeting, but the warmth in his baritone voice is enough to tell me that he means it. Victor's fire eyes bore into mine, and I instantly feel at ease. Gabriel is about to say something, when my phone rings. Yes, you guessed it.

I know that we just met

And maybe this is dumb

But it feels like-

Gabriel and Victor are looking at my phone with curious eyes, but without paying heed to any of these boys and also not paying attention to the contact, I pick up the call.


Should've checked the caller ID. I don't think I told this to you guys, but when Lake gets mad, she gets mad.

I pull the phone away for a moment before I place it near my ear again.

"Yes?" I gently draw out the question.

"Are you raiding the whole store, Sang?" she asks again, her voice less mad now. I release a relieved sigh.

"No, I'm not. It's..... " I spare a glance towards the three boys who are watching me like hawks, "a long story."

"Well, you need to hurry. Carla won't be very happy if we're not home on time. You know how strict she is with schedules."

"Carla's already there?"

"I didn't tell you? She got kicked out last week, so she's staying with me for the time being."

"That's very sweet of you."

"Uh-huh. Thank you. Now come out, and don't take too long."

"Okay." I hang up.

I look towards the trio and give them an apologetic smile. "I have to go guys.", I say to them.

"Aww, no", Luke pouts, "we were just getting to know you, Cupcake." I raise an eyebrow at the sweet treat he decided to name me after, but don't give any verbal objection. Gabriel goes next. "Well, Trouble, thanks for this." He shakes his phone, "Now I know your gorgeous self is a call away."

"Trouble?" I ask out loud. Now that's new. And mildly offensive.

"I will never forget what you accused me of." He tells me, his tone serious, but his eyes say otherwise. I see Victor look questioningly towards Luke, who in turns mouths 'later' to him. Finally, Victor asks me, "What was that song?"

"My ringtone? Oh, it was Shawn Mendes'-"

"No, I know what song it is. I meant to ask whose voice that was." He explains. Gabriel agrees with him, "Yup, that wasn't Shawnie."

"So, who was it?" Victor urges.

"Someone special."

I turn around and walk away, swinging my candy-filled basket, humming the song I was just questioned about. I check out of the store with my candies and get out of the mall, looking for Lake. I make a beeline toward her as soon as I spot her, standing by a taxi.

"You done?" she asks as soon as I am near.

"Yes, yes I am." I say as we get inside the vehicle together.

"Are you going to tell me what took you so long in there?" she questions after we've exchanged greetings with the driver and told him our destination.

"Why don't I tell you once we reach yours? I'm sure everyone will love to hear about it." I say enthusiastically.

She narrows her eyes at me, but her lips try to twitch upwards. "Okay, but this better be good, you've got me hyped."

"Oh, it will, Lake. It will."

24 hours, 6 new guys, and little ol' me; of course it'll be good.


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