Chapter 17 : Hugs

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It's so irritating.

To know that you are telling the truth but no one takes you seriously. To know the fatality that lays ahead yet you can't convince them otherwise. To know the tragic ending and not being able to do a thing about it.

Because that's what I feel right now.

They are locking me in my room. That's how far this has come. They are boarding up my windows and locking me in my room so I won't escape. Maybe if they listened, I wouldn't have to escape. Oh, but what do I know?

Werewolves and vampires are fainting and turning white & blue all over the place. Natalie, the one who's the worst off, is now a deep navy blue. Now it's not just a matter to protecting the sorcerers, we also have to get the curing potion out on time.

Jonah and Benjy better get me out of there.

This was it.

All the werewolves that were going to fight had gathered outside in the plaza area. The young children and the few women who were staying behind stood at their doors, waving goodbye to their family members. I could almost feel the sense of excitement among them. They were just itching to get their hands on those sorcerers and make them pay for what they didn't do.

The vampires were now slowly starting to emerge from the forest that separated us. It's kind of funny if you think about it. Before, werewolves and vampires couldn't stand each other's guts. They hated each other with a burning passion. But now, forced to fight against the same enemy, the two were brought together. They're all friends now. And all for the wrong reasons.

So while everyone was getting ready, I was standing here off to the side feeling about as helpless as you can get. I looked up to the blue sky and saw the full moon shining in broad daylight. Can they not see it so close to the sun?

Why. Are. They. So. STUPID?

I sighed.

"Don't go," I told my dad who was near me. "Please believe me."

He turned and looked at me tired eyes. I could see that he wanted to believe me, but he couldn't. I could see him struggle. "I…I can't, Noelle. You are brainwashed."

"For the umpteenth time, I am not brainwashed!" I could feel the prickly sensation in my eyes. This last-minute desperation had brought me to tears. Stupid tears.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind. I turned and saw Ethan resting his chin on my shoulder and hugging me tight. "You can't blame her, Garret. It's not like it's her fault if her mind is being controlled."

"I am NOT!!" The tears overfilled now. I was nearly shaking with rage. What will it take to make them see the truth? Do they want to die? How can they not believe me? How can my own father not believe me? How can my best friend not believe me?

I couldn't take it. Anger management issues, remember? I shrugged Ethan's arms off and screamed at them all. "You don't get it!! If you would all just be patient and WAIT, Sarah and Pete will deliver the potion. All the victims will be cured! Everything will be okay again. If you go over there you're only making things way more complicated than it has to be!!!"

They were all staring at me. They were all staring at me like I was insane.

"I know what you're thinking! I have not lost my mind! I have more sense than any of you!" I could picture myself standing there, red with anger, tears streaming down my face, fists clenched, and hair flailing everywhere. I probably looked as mad as I felt.

Everyone was looking at me in pity, like I had finally lost it. God, I really wanted to punch someone in the face right now.

"Noelle…" Ethan approached me and tried to comfort me again, but I tried and struggled against him. I fought and wriggled but in the end, I just gave up.

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