Chapter 12 : Plagued

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It's December. December.

It seemed like just yesterday when October came around and I was first meeting Clarence and the vampires and Jonah. It seemed like just yesterday when I found myself in this mess. Yet somehow, the days and weeks slipped by underneath my eyes and before I knew it, here's winter! The cold air had been lurking around for a while now, but today, I woke up and it was freezing. It just hit me. Winter dropped in like an unsuspected bomb.

Looking out the window, I see the Taylor's putting up Christmas decorations. Christmas decorations. Is it time for the holidays already? I don't even remember Thanksgiving, everything passed in a blur. I've checked my calendar five times, but it's true. It really is December 1st.

Megan and Natalie are waving at me from outside their house. They are wearing their cute, matching Santa hats while they help their dad wrap lights around the house. I think I can smell Lindsey baking her first batch of Christmas snickerdoodles downstairs. If you listen close enough, you can almost hear the first melodies of Jingle Bells being hummed.

Soon, all the houses will be done up in flashing lights and blow-up Santa's. Soon, the world will turn red and green. Soon, there will be fresh Christmas cookies everywhere you turn. Soon, carols that always get stuck in your head will be playing on every sound system and radio station in town. Soon, all the stores will go on sale as hungry costumers hunt for the perfect gift. Soon, we'll be handing out candy canes and chocolates at school before the holiday break. Soon, giant pine trees will be cut from the nearby forest and brought into town. Soon, it will be greatest time of the year.

Christmas is my favorite holiday. The world turns friendlier, it always smells cinnamon-y, and I love the annual werewolf community gift exchange. But this Christmas will be the bestone yet. This Christmas, I will be able to drive. This Christmas, Clarence will turn me into a vampire. This Christmas, I will turn 16.

I still can't believe it. It's December. December.


I slammed the brakes and the car lunged forwards. The tires screeched to a stop and then the seat belts pulled the bodies back. After I made sure my heart was still beating, I stepped out to inspect the car; it had miraculously swerved into the driveway perfectly.

"Hey, I did pretty well," I laughed.

Garret got out of the passenger seat. He was halfway between "You almost wrecked my car!" and "Noelle, you are so never driving again!"

Lindsey and Ethan got out of the back seats, clutching their backpacks, with petrified faces. Come on! I wasn't that bad! I almost-crashed only 7 times!

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let you drive us all home from school," Garret muttered.

"Well think on the bright side," Lindsey said. "With her reckless driving skills, Noelle will never get her license."

"That's not true!" I argued. "I'm turning sixteen in 24 days and I will get my license, you just watch!"

"How did she even get her permit? She didn't know what a turn signal was," Ethan whispered to my sister.

I glared at him, "I know my car stuff! I just…have bad coordination sometimes. But it's all good, I'm an awesome driver."

Garret chuckled and walked into the house. Lindsey smiled awkwardly and walked off. Ethan coughed and patted my shoulder, "If some miracle happens and you do end up getting your license, I am not carpooling with you!"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You're driving scares the snot out of me, Noelle."

"Says the immortal werewolf!"

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