Ten - The Kiss

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Gently rasping her knuckles onto the door, Seri smoothed out the hem of her pyjamas and entered the room when she was asked to come in. Her eyes scanned the spacious room which was similar to hers, but with a different theme colour - this room had a blue and gray theme and less girly vibe.

"Nice room." Seri spoke while making her way towards Seokjin who was reading on his bed with the metallic black night lamp shining warmly from the side.

"Thanks?" Seokjin tilted his head to a side, and patted the space next to him on the bed. "Come and sit with me so we can read together."

"You've called me here just to make me read with you?" Seri quirked her eyebrows up as she made herself comfortable next to him, leaving a small space between them.

The Crown Prince smirked. "What? Were you expecting something else?"

"No!" Seri blushed furiously at his little smirk. "I just thought that you have something important to tell me because, you do realize that it's near midnight now right?"

"Oh yeah, about that too. I've actually been wanting to ask you something." Seokjin closed his book - How To Kill A Mocking Bird, and placed it on the night stand before switching off the lamp. He then adjusted himself on the bed to lay down on the bed sideways with an arm propping his head up. "You've been staying with me in the palace for almost two months now, and the media is slowly, but surely, dying down. So, what I'm trying to ask is, do you want to return home?"

Eyes widening, Seri gaped at him in shock. "I can return home?"

"Yeah." Seokjin scrunched his thick brows slightly.

Truth to be told, he actually didn't want her to go home. He had gotten so used to her presence inside the palace, and he didn't even want to think how his life would turn back into an isolated coldness again.

But her happiness was his happiness. So he would do anything for her just to make her smile.

Sensing her silence, Seokjin sat up again and used a hand to push a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Do you not want to go home?"

"I do, but..." Seri paused as she tried to understand why was she feeling conflicted at the offer.


Glancing up at his face, Seri blinked once before observing just how beautiful the man seated before her was. There was an unspoken sadness practically swimming in his calm eyes, along with a slight hint of hope glistening in them.

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