Twelve - The Badass Duo

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Have you ever had a bad hangover so horrible that you never wanted to wake up? The headache would be worse than a migraine, and the pounding sensation in your head would just remain there with its pulse getting stronger at each beat.

That was what Seri felt when her consciousness returned to her drowsy self. Uttering a groan, she tried to move her hands to massage her aching head, only to jolt awake fully when she realized that her hands were tied behind her with a rope.

"The f*ck?" She cussed out, her brows furrowing when she noticed that all she could see was black.

"Seri?" A familiar voice squeaked from her side.

"Jimin?" Seri hollered his name, her heart beating frantically as she started to panic.

Knowing her, Jimin quickly whispered. "Hey, you have to calm down and keep quiet. We can't let the kidnappers know that we are awake."

"Kidnappers?!" Seri whispered back angrily. "I'd understand if they kidnap me, but why the f*ck would they kidnap you too?!"

"I don't know." Jimin replied. "You can't see me too right? Those motherf*ckers f*cking blindfolded us."

Hearing him swear, Seri let out a muted laugh. "You must be so pissed right now to be cursing like that."

"Right back at you." Jimin chuckled softly.

The pair of friends zipped their mouths shut when they heard noises of metals clanking together roughly echo in the room they were in. The metallic door got slammed onto the wall then, but the friends didn't jump and simply remained idle pretending to be unconscious.

"How much chloroform did you even put on the cloth? They should be awake by now!" A gruffy male voice spoke, sounding irritated.

"It wasn't even that much, I swear! Maybe they're just pretending." Another voice answered.

"Should we try something then?"

Seri felt goosebumps form on her skin at the menacing cackles erupting from their mouths. She tried her best to keep her composure even when she heard footsteps approaching her, but her patience flew out of the window when one of them dared to touch her face.

"F*ck off!" She growled, startling the two to jump back instinctively.

"Oh, so she is indeed awake." The gruffy one chuckled. "Let's try with the other one."

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