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I heard Ariana crying and Mattia hasn't helped with her all day bc he's been so busy on his game and yelling at the boys, why do you think the baby is crying? 

Mattia:Lou go get her or something"
Me:Are you fucking serious? I fucking hate you"

I get up and quickly go to Ari's room, I pick her up and say "aw mamas don't cry it's okay" I put her on my shoulder and pat her back. She was born literally last week and Mattia doesn't like spending time with her. 

I walk in the room and Mattia was screaming at the boys again, Ariana started crying again and I hit Mattia on the back of his head. 

Me:Shut up you woke my princess up"
Mattia just rolls his eyes.

 I feed Ari then lay her down in front of me, I poke her stomach and she smiles. 


then Ari started to cry again and I just got scared.

Me:Mattia stop it look-just forget it I'm leaving"
Mattia:I'm logging off goodbye" he says ignoring me and turning off his game.

I pick up Ari and  he comes to me.

Mattia:Where are you going?"
Me:I'm leaving because your obviously more focused on your game then you are for your daughter"
Mattia:Wait baby I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention"
Me:No it's not even that you've made me do everything, I've had to bathe her, I've had to change her put her to sleep and you didn't do shit"
Mattia:I'm sorry mamas I'll stop playing it just don't take my daughter"
Me:Fuck off Mattia you say that then don't do it"
Mattia:please stop ma I'm sorry"
Me:You keep saying that"
Mattia:Don't be like this"
Me:Fine then, you take her and take care of her for the rest of the week"
Mattia:Fine give her to me"

I hand him Ari and he puts her on his shoulder, he sits on the bed and lays her in front of him, he tickles her and says "your such a daddy's girl aren't you?" "your my princess, yes you are" 

It warmed my heart to see her looking and smiling at Mattia and to see him spending time with her. 

I got in bed with them and played with Ari, then eventually we all got tired. We laid down and put Ari in the middle of us. Mattia covers us with the blanket. He grabs my face and kisses me and I kiss him back. 

Then we fall asleep.

(A/N:This is was bs but just imagine having a kid with THE Mattia polibio, but sorry girlies he taken and we're married. Our baby is due in December okay Byyyyyyyyyeeeeeee babes)

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